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What is feasibility study in system analysis?

What is feasibility study in system analysis?

Feasibility Study It identifies the possibility of improving an existing system, developing a new system, and produce refined estimates for further development of system. It is used to obtain the outline of the problem and decide whether feasible or appropriate solution exists or not.

What is feasibility and example?

For example, an automobile prototype is a tool for the feasibility study, an experiment on rats to develop a new medicine is a procedure of feasibility analysis, checking the configuration and features before purchasing a laptop resembles feasibility tests.

What is feasibility study and explain its types?

Feasibility Study in Software Engineering is a study to evaluate feasibility of proposed project or system. Feasibility study is carried out based on many purposes to analyze whether software product will be right in terms of development, implantation, contribution of project to the organization etc.

What is Feasibility Study Class 11?

(a) A feasibility study can be defined as a controlled process for identifying problems and opportunities, determining objectives, describing situations, defining successful outcomes, and assessing the range of costs and benefits associated with several alternatives for solving a problem.

What is feasibility study in system analysis and design in Hindi?

Feasibility Study in hindi:- किसी भी सिस्टम की सफलता के लिए सिस्टम की क्षमता का परीक्षण करना Feasibility Study कहलाती है। Feasibility study का मुख्य उद्देश्य यह निर्धारित करना है कि सिस्टम को विकसित करना financially तथा technically रूप से संभव है या नही।

What is feasibility SDLC?

The feasibility study is the second step of the SDLC. It is the stage at which all of the software needs and requirements are written down and thoroughly documented. This document is created in this stage with the assistance of the Software Requirement Specification document. It is referred to as the SRS paper.