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What is fire terminology?

What is fire terminology?

Fire Front: The part of a fire within which continuous flaming combustion is taking place. In ground fires, the fire front may be mainly smoldering combustion. Fire Intensity: A general term relating to the heat energy released by a fire. Fire Line: A linear fire barrier that is scraped or dug to mineral soil.

What does Code 4 mean for firefighters?

Negotiated response time
Code 4 – Negotiated response time. Proceed without lights or siren. Road rules must be obeyed.

What do firefighters call each other?

My friend, a former longtime firefighter, was in the hospital some months ago. I went to visit him when I found out he was ill, and we chatted.

What do you call a female fireman?

: a female firefighter a volunteer firewoman.

What do firemen call their trucks?

fire engine
A fire engine (also known in some places as a fire truck or fire lorry) is a road vehicle (usually a truck) that functions as a firefighting apparatus.

What does PAR mean in firefighting?

Personnel accountability reports
Personnel accountability reports (PARS) are radio reports that are periodically requested by command to ensure that each crew is intact and all crewmembers are accounted for. During the fire incident, PARs are requested by command at predetermined benchmarks.

What does code RED mean in a fire?

Code Red: The hospital’s emergency code word to initiate a response to a FIRE. A notification of “Code Red” alerts hospital personnel to respond properly to a fire while keeping patients, visitors, and the general public from undue alarm or panic.

What is a 10 42 call?

This particular code is used to indicate an officer’s end of tour. While 10-42 is most frequently used when an officer has completed his tour of service for the day, it is also used in conjunction with funeral proceedings when an officer has been killed in the line of duty.

What do you call a girl who only dates firefighters?

Let’s talk about the types of people that Firefighters don’t like to date. Many times these women are called ‘hose chasers’ or “badge bunnies”. These women tend to find firefighters attractive because of the job and want a chance to tame the fire- or get recognition among their friends for being with a Firefighter.

Why are firemen called Jakes?

New England affectionate slang for Firefighter. Being a “Good J-Key” probably meant a fireman who was cool under the pressure and could send clear Morse code. “J-Key” was eventually shortened to “Jake”, and when spread to the public, “Jake” came to be a common term for firemen in general.

What is a Firemans salary?

Public sector – Full-time

Classification Weekly pay rate Overtime – public holiday – day workers
Firefighter level 1 $1,156.66 $68.85
Firefighter level 2 $1,173.04 $69.83
Firefighter level 3 $1,193.01 $71.03
Qualified firefighter $1,292.44 $76.93

What do you call a rookie firefighter?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A probationary firefighter (PFF), also known as a rookie firefighter, a candidate firefighter, or probie, for short, is any firefighter in their first 6–18 months of service in a particular fire department.