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What is fylingdales?

What is fylingdales?

Royal Air Force Fylingdales or more simply RAF Fylingdales is a Royal Air Force station on Snod Hill in the North York Moors, England. Its motto is “Vigilamus” (translates to “We are watching”). It is a radar base and is also part of the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS).

When did the golf balls go from Fylingdales?

RAF Fylingdales (The golf balls) 1963-1992 In 1992, after the Cold War had ended the giant ‘golf balls’ were demolished and replaced by a less exciting pyramid structure. Nowadays it is used to track and detect objects orbiting the Earth, such as satellites, space junk and potentially UFOs.

What are the big white balls in Yorkshire?

The site acts as a ground station for a number of satellites operated by the US National Reconnaissance Office, on behalf of the NSA, with antennae contained in numerous distinctive white radomes, locally referred to as “the golf balls”, and is alleged to be an element of the ECHELON system.

Are the golf balls still at Fylingdales?

The golf balls were operational between 1963 and 1992. The three golf balls seen from above, showing their position in the middle of the North York Moors. The US built the radars and continue to fund them, whilst the RAF staff and maintain the site. There is one US official currently stationed at the base.

Are the Fylingdales golf balls still there?

The Fylingdale radomes were in use until 1992, when they were replaced by an advanced radar system, the three sided solid-state phased-array radar (SSPAR) grey pyramid. The golf balls were subsequently dismantled.

What happened to fylingdales golf balls?

What do they do at Fylingdales?

RAF Fylingdales in North Yorkshire provides a continuous ballistic missile early warning service to the UK and US Governments, ensuring a surprise missile attack cannot succeed. As a key element of the Space Surveillance Network, the Station is capable of tracking objects 3000 miles into space.

Can you visit RAF Fylingdales?

All visits to the Station are by appointment only.

What do they do at RAF Fylingdales?