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What is grid in sentence?

What is grid in sentence?

The definition of a grid is a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines spaced out at regular intervals, forming squares or rectangles. The lines on graph paper are an example of a grid. noun. 1.

What is a grid in grammar?

Word forms: plural grids. 1. countable noun. A grid is something which is in a pattern of straight lines that cross over each other, forming squares.

What do you understand by grid how it is helpful?

Grid is the network of lines formed by the combination of parallels of latitudes and longitudes on the globe. It is useful for locating various places exactly on the globe or map.

What does grid mean in social studies?

grid – is a system of intersecting (crossing) lines that form boxes on a map or globe. lines of latitude – are imaginary lines that circle the Earth. They are drawn from east to west and measure the distance north or south of the equator.

What does grid mean?

A grid is a network of intersecting parallel lines, whether real or imaginary. Most American streets are laid out in a grid pattern, meaning the streets intersect at right angles and form a pattern of squares when viewed from above.

What is grid writing in English?

Précis WritingPrécis writing basically means to write a summary with a limited number of words as specified in the question. The number of words may vary from 40 —100.

What is the meaning of grid for kids?

Kids Definition of grid 1 : a network of horizontal and perpendicular lines (as for locating places on a map) 2 : a frame with bars running across it that is used to cover an opening. 3 : a group of electrical conductors that form a network.

What are the uses of grid?

A grid can be used to organize graphic elements in relation to a page, in relation to other graphic elements on the page, or relation to other parts of the same graphic element or shape.

What is mean grid?

/ɡrɪd/ a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to make a set of squares. A grid is also a system of wires through which electricity is connected to different parts of a region: a power grid.

How do you use Gird in a sentence?

The climber girded himself with a rope.

  • Trees girded the dark lake.
  • He girded his sword on.
  • He girded on his sword.
  • He girded for a rough fight.
  • They are girding for another war.
  • He girded himself with armour for the battle.
  • The soldiers girded themselves for battle.
  • Europe’s finest golfers are girding their loins for the challenge of the Ryder Cup.
  • How to use “region” in a sentence?

    The sea’s middle regions are almost incomprehensible in size.

  • Economists consider the region vital to Mexico’s modernization plans.
  • CARDENAS : We must develop investment programs in the indigenous regions.
  • It will create the biggest industrial region we have ever seen.
  • The entire economy of the region became dependent on the project.
  • What is a starting grid?

    starting grid. noun. motor racing a marked section of the track at the start where the cars line up according to their times in practice, the fastest occupying the front position.