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What is hydrous in chemistry?

What is hydrous in chemistry?

A hydrous compound (a hydrate) is a chemical compound with water in its structure. For example, hydrated salts have water within their crystals. Hydrates form naturally when ionic compounds are exposed to air and make bonds with water molecules.

What does Waterboy mean slang?

: one who keeps a group (as of football players) supplied with drinking water.

What is Hydroncus?

adjective. containing water. Chemistry. containing water or its elements in some kind of union, as in hydrates or hydroxides.

What does it mean for something to be called anhydrous?

: free from water and especially water of crystallization.

What is hydrous and anhydrous?

Hydrous compounds are chemical compounds that are composed of water molecules in their structure as a constituent. Anhydrous compounds are chemical compounds that have no water molecules in the chemical structure. This is the main difference between hydrous and anhydrous compounds.

What are hydrous minerals?

Hydrous minerals are, however stable to higher pressures than the water-saturated granite solidus, and if the temperature of a crustal rock containing a hydrous mineral is increased and the mineral breaks down, the water so released can induce melting.

Are Waterboys real?

In the United States, a water boy or water girl (sometimes spelled waterboy or watergirl) was someone who worked in the field, providing water to farm workers in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, the name is given to those who work on the sidelines at sports events to provide water for athletes.

What is the meaning of Erythrolysis?

(hĭ-mŏl′ĭ-sĭs, hē′mə-lī′sĭs) The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with subsequent release of hemoglobin.

What is the meaning of Malphagia?

Meaning: Eating of a substance. Example- Malphagia: Not eating enough.

What is the difference between hydrous and anhydrous?

What is an example of anhydrous?

Anhydrous substances exist in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Table salt is anhydrous sodium chloride (NaCl). Gaseous HCl is anhydrous, which differentiates it from hydrochloric acid, a solution of 37 percent HCl in water (w/w).