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What is hypercube in computer science?

What is hypercube in computer science?

Abstract. A hypercube parallel computer is a network of processors, each with only local memory, whose activities are coordinated by messages the processors send between themselves. The interconnection network corresponds to the edges of an n-dimensional cube with a processor at each vertex.

What are the disadvantages of a mesh topology?

Disadvantages of Mesh Topology :

  • It’s costly as compared to the opposite network topologies i.e. star, bus, point to point topology.
  • Installation is extremely difficult in the mesh.
  • Power requirement is higher as all the nodes will need to remain active all the time and share the load.
  • Complex process.

What are types of communication modes hypercube?


  • 2.1 Prefix sum.
  • 2.2 All-gather / all-reduce.
  • 2.3 All-to-all.

What are hypercube routing functions?

Hypercube Routing Functions If the vertices of a n-dimensional cube are labeled with n-bit numbers so that only one bit differs between each pair of adjacent vertices, then n routing functions are defined by the bits in the node (vertex) address.

What is hypercubes in advanced computer architecture?

Hypercube (or Binary n-cube multiprocessor) structure represents a loosely coupled system made up of N=2n processors interconnected in an n-dimensional binary cube. Each processor makes a made of the cube. Each processor makes a node of the cube. These paths correspond to the cube edges.

Which problem will occur when the hypercube is mapped onto a ring?

We propose an algorithm for mapping a ring onto a tree-hypercubes which results in a dilation and congestion of one.

What is hypercube in data warehouse?

Multidimensional databases can present their data to an application using two types of cubes: hypercubes and multicubes. In a hypercube, each dimension belongs to one cube only. A dimension is “owned” by the hypercube. In a multicube, a dimension can be part of multiple cubes.

What are Hypercubes in data warehouse?

An OLAP cube is a multi-dimensional array of data. Online analytical processing (OLAP) is a computer-based technique of analyzing data to look for insights. The term cube here refers to a multi-dimensional dataset, which is also sometimes called a hypercube if the number of dimensions is greater than 3.

Is a hypercube possible?

Yes, it is possible to represent the hypercube (or tesseract) as a trompe-l’oeil 3d model. Take two wireframe cubes, one bigger than the other.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of hyper converged infrastructure?

Advantages of hyper-converged infrastructure: – provides slightly better total cost for small configurations (e.g up to 5-10 hypervisors), because you don’t need to buy 3 storage nodes (circa $7k) in addition to the hypervisors – single building block concept – simpler to extend because there is just one type of server

Which is better hybrid HOLAP or hybrid cube?

Hybrid HOLAP’s uses cube technology which allows faster performance for all types of data. ROLAP are instantly updated and HOLAP users have access to this real-time instantly updated data. MOLAP brings cleaning and conversion of data thereby improving data relevance. This brings best of both worlds.

What are the disadvantages of out of the box HCI?

– Out-of-the-box HCI solutions are a black-box – this means increased vendor lock-in and lack of transparency of what is in the box. For the prime use cases of HCI this is not an issue but may become a limiting factor for larger deployments or more sophisticated IT users, which require control over what building blocks are being used.