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What is it called when someone believes their culture is superior?
ethnocentrism. [ ĕth′nō-sĕn′trĭz′əm ] n. The tendency to evaluate other groups according to the values and standards of one’s own ethnic group, especially with the conviction that one’s own ethnic group is superior to the other groups.
What is the term for the belief that one’s ethnic group is superior or better than all others?
Ethnocentrism, as sociologist William Graham Sumner (1906) described the term, involves a belief or attitude that one’s own culture is better than all others. Almost everyone is a little bit ethnocentric.
What causes ethnocentrism?
Causes. Ethnocentrism is believed to be a learned behavior embedded into a variety of beliefs and values of an individual or group. The social identity approach suggests that ethnocentric beliefs are caused by a strong identification with one’s own culture that directly creates a positive view of that culture.
What is an individual saying when he or she describes someone who is related to him or her biologically as not really kin quizlet?
When an individual describes someone who is related to them biologically as “not really kin,” what are they saying? That the person has not exercised their rights or fulfilled their obligations as family members.
What does ethnicity mean in sociology?
shared culture
Ethnicity is a term that describes shared culture—the practices, values, and beliefs of a group. This might include shared language, religion, and traditions, among other commonalities.
Is there superior or inferior culture?
Answer: There are no superior and inferior people (that is, until social convention determines otherwise once again). Cultures however, do differ in their superiority. However, cultures ultimately differs in their sense of greater good, otherwise known as value system.
How is the concept of race used in society?
Societies use race to establish and justify systems of power, privilege, disenfranchisement, and oppression. The notion of race is a social construct designed to divide people into groups ranked as superior and inferior.
Is there a link between race and identity?
Many sociologists and psychologists have identified that there are similar patterns every individual goes through when recognizing their racial identity. While these patterns help us understand the link between race and identity, creating one’s racial identity is a fluid and nonlinear process that varies for every person and group.
Why do people question their own racial identity?
Your personal experiences, family, community, workplaces, the aging process, and political and social events – all play a role in understanding our own racial identity. During this process, people move between a desire to “fit in” to dominant norms, to a questioning of one’s own identity and that of others.
What does it mean to ignore the issue of race?
Ignoring race means ignoring the establishment of racial hierarchies in society and the injustices these hierarchies have created and continue to reinforce. What is ideology?