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What is maize in Ndebele?

What is maize in Ndebele?

This maize meal is referred to as impuphu in Ndebele or hupfu in Shona. Despite the fact that maize is an imported food crop to Zimbabwe (c. 1890), it has become the chief source of carbohydrate and the most popular meal for indigenous people.

What is porridge in Ndebele?

iphalitsha: a thick porridge cooked out of ordinary maize meal. uMthwakazi: term used by Mzilikazi when addressing his Ndebele nation believed to be the original form of address of the group that left Zululand in 1822.

What is African pap?

Pap is a kind of porridge made from maize meal and can be cooked to be runny, soft or stiff. Pap can be enjoyed with sugar and milk for breakfast or meat and vegetables for lunch and supper; it can even be watered down to make a tasty drink called Mageu.

What’s another word for sadza?

“Mealie meal”, also known as cornmeal, is used to prepare “sadza” or “isitshwala”, as well as porridge known as “bota” or “ilambazi”. Sadza is made by mixing the cornmeal with water to produce a thick paste/porridge.

Where does maize meal come from?

Mielie meal, also known as mealie meal or maize meal, is a relatively coarse flour (much coarser than cornflour or cornstarch) made from maize or mealies in Southern Africa, from the Portuguese milho. It is also known by various other indigenous language names depending on the locality or country.

What is Ndebele traditional food?

Corn is the staple food in this community. Maize cereals, which are known as isitshwala, are a favourite. Corn and sorghum milk are commonly consumed. They also grow and consume a variety of food crops, fruits and vegetables.

How do you say how are you in Ndebele?

A collection of useful phrases in Northern Ndebele, a Bantu language spoken mainly in Zimbabwe. Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person)….Useful phrases in Northern Ndebele.

English Sindebele (Northern Ndebele)
Hello (General greeting) Salibonani
How are you? Unjani? (sg) Linjani? (pl)

Is Fufu a pap?

In West, East and areas of Central Africa the generic staple is FUFU — a close relation to PAP. In Ghana, for example, FUFU is often made from boiled cassava and unripe plantains beaten together. It’s also made from cocoyam and yam.

What we say PAP in English?

/pāpa/ mn. evil uncountable noun. Evil is used to refer to all the wicked and bad things that happen in the world.

What is sadza in Zimbabwe?

Sadza, in the Shona language, is a cooked maize meal that is a staple food in Zimbabwe. Eaten at least once a day, sadza re masikai (sadza in the afternoon) literally means lunch and sadza re manheru (sadza in the evening) means dinner—that is how strongly Zimbabweans associate sadza with their daily sustenance.

How is maize meal manufactured?


  1. Storage. The raw, unprocessed maize is stored in bags or silos, depending on the size of the operation.
  2. Cleaning/ pre-cleaning of raw maize.
  3. Conditioning.
  4. Degermination – OPTIONAL.
  5. Milling and sifting.
  6. Fortification – OPTIONAL.
  7. Fine milling – OPTIONAL.
  8. Packaging.