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What is meant by agglomeration?

What is meant by agglomeration?

1 : the action or process of collecting in a mass the agglomeration of matter into stars and galaxies. 2 : a heap or cluster of usually disparate (see disparate sense 1) elements … an agglomeration of 100-year-old cottages with gingerbread scroll-saw ornamentation.—

What is an example of an agglomeration?

For example, there is a city center, and there is the region that borders the city. The suburbs and the urban areas coexist, and that’s where the term agglomeration comes from. Located as part of the city center as well as right outside the city center, an agglomeration is a built-up area of a city region.

What is agglomeration in AP Human Geography?

Agglomeration: A localized economy in which a large number of companies and industries cluster together and benefit from the cost reductions and gains in efficiency that result from this proximity. Cumulative causation: Describes the continued growth due to the positive aspects of agglomeration.

What does Agglomerative mean?

Agglomerate means to collect or gather into a cluster or mass, especially a messy or jumbled one. Agglomerate can also be used as a noun to mean the same thing.

What does Aglomerated mean?

: gathered into a ball, mass, or cluster specifically : clustered or growing together but not coherent an agglomerate flower head. agglomerate. noun.

What is Suburbanisation A level geography?

Suburbanisation can be defined as the outward growth of urban development which may engulf surrounding villages and towns into a larger urban agglomeration. Essentially it is a part of urbanisation, in that it increases the proportion of people that live in towns and cities in comparison to those in rural areas.

What is agglomeration in geography class 10?

Agglomeration economies refers to the benefits received by the firms and people when they come together to make use of the advantages offered by the urban cities that prove helpful to them.

What is the opposite of agglomeration?

One aspect of agglomeration is that firms are often located near to each other. Diseconomies of agglomeration are the opposite.

What is agglomeration process?

In powder processing, agglomeration is defined as the process of amassing material fines into cohesive units like pellets or granules. Simply put, powder agglomeration means making fine powdery particles stick together to form larger particles that are easier to handle.

What is assimilation AP Human Geo?

Assimilation: the process through which people lose originally differentiating traits, such as dress, speech particularities or mannerisms, when they come into contact with another society or culture (usually a dominant one).

What is Fordism AP Human Geography?

fordist. form of mass production in which each worker is assigned one specific task to perform repeatedly. industrial revolution. a series of improvements in industrial technology that transformed the process of manufacturing goods.

What is the meaning of the term agglomeration?

Agglomeration refers to the phenomenon of clusters of business activity as a result of firms being located close to each other. Agglomeration can be described as a process that concentrates economic activity in one place to make businesses more productive. The role and nature of agglomeration economies

What are the steps in the agglomeration process?

The agglomeration process consists of the transportation and collision of particles, and the attachment of the particles, followed by either disruption or cementation of the attached particles. The cemented particles are agglomerates.

How to take advantage of the benefits of agglomeration?

To take advantage of the benefits of agglomeration, economic developers should seek ways to grow clusters that already exist in a region and pursue policies and initiatives that foster a sense of place to attract and maintain a thriving, civically engaged workforce. Why agglomerate? The complementary forces of localization and urbanization

What is the process of agglomeration of aerosols?

Sonic agglomeration of aerosols is a process that involves the response of particles suspended in gaseous media to forces arising from an intense sound field. Several different basic effects have been studied as being responsible for particle collision and agglomeration, mainly orthokinetic and hydrodynamic forces.