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What is meant by biaxial?

What is meant by biaxial?

: having or relating to two axes or optic axes a biaxial crystal.

What means uniaxial?

1 : having only one axis. 2 : of or relating to only one axis.

What is biaxial load?

Biaxial bending affects columns where the load is eccentric about both the axes in the plane of the column (eccentric load is a force placed upon a portion of a column which is not symmetric with its central axis, thereby producing bending). …

What does Boisexal mean?

1a see usage paragraph below : of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s same sex and of the opposite sex also : of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s own gender identity and of other gender identities.

What is uniaxial and biaxial?

Uniaxial vs Biaxial Crystals A uniaxial crystal is an optical element that has a single optic axis. A biaxial crystal is an optical element that has two optic axes. Negative Form. A negative uniaxial crystal has the refraction index of o-ray (no) larger than that of the e-ray (ne).

What is biaxial stress?

A two-dimensional state of stress in which only two normal stresses are present is called biaxial stress. Likewise, a one-dimensional state of stress in which normal stresses act along one direction only is called a uniaxial stress state.

What is a uniaxial stress?

A uniaxial stress or force acts in one direction only. When a specimen is subjected to a uniaxial loading (along its primary axis) the force acting over the cross-sectional area generates a tensile stress and strain within the material. A uniaxial stress or force acts in one direction only.

What is axial and uniaxial?

Different Types of Column in Practical Cases. In the above plan C1 is considered as axial column as the spacing in X and Y direction is equal. The C2 and C3 is uniaxial & biaxial bending column respectively. The C1 also may be considered as uniaxial or C2 may be biaxial column if the span related to it is not equal.

What is biaxial loaded column?

 The column having axial load acting in such a way that the load is eccentric about both the axes in the plane of the column then it is called biaxially loaded column.

What does PHD mean in texting?

PHD. Pull Him/Her Down (Internet slang)

What is optical Indicatrix in geology?

The optical indicatrix is a geometrical solid relating the refractive index of a mineral to the mineral’s structure. The surface of the indicatrix represents the different refractive indices in the crystal.

What is the meaning of the word biaxial?

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word biaxial. Having a value in two perpendicular directions. [In solid mechanics it generally means that normal stresses exist in two of the possible three directions. Note that they do not have to be equal in sign or magnitude.]

What kind of fabric is a biaxial cloth?

Biaxial fiberglass is a type of non-woven fiberglass fabric. Instead of a conventional weave pattern, biaxial cloths two layers lie at a 45-degree fiber angle to each other. The two layers are stitched together with sturdy polyester yarn.

Which is an example of a biaxial load?

Biaxial bending is manifested when a structural element experiences bending about both the Principal axes of its cross section. The most common example is a column subject to bending moments in both the directions or subjected to an eccentric load having eccentricity in both the directions.

Which is the best example of biaxial bending?

However, for rectangul Biaxial bending is manifested when a structural element experiences bending about both the Principal axes of its cross section. The most common example is a column subject to bending moments in both the directions or subjected to an eccentric load having eccentricity in both the directions.