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What is meant by electrostatic force?

What is meant by electrostatic force?

Electrostatic forces are non-contact forces; they pull or push on objects without touching them. Rubbing some materials together can result in something called ‘charge’ being moved from one surface to the other. Charged objects pull on other uncharged objects and may either push or pull on other charged objects.

What is meant by fictitious force?

A fictitious force (also called a pseudo force, d’Alembert force, or inertial force) is a force that appears to act on a mass whose motion is described using a non-inertial frame of reference, such as an accelerating or rotating reference frame. These apparent forces are examples of fictitious forces.

What is the meaning of nuclear force?

Nuclear forces (also known as nuclear interactions or strong forces) are the forces that act between two or more nucleons. They bind protons and neutrons (“nucleons”) into atomic nuclei. The nuclear force is about 10 millions times stronger than the chemical binding that holds atoms together in molecules.

What is meant by pseudo force?

[ sōō′dō ] A physically apparent but nonexistent force felt by an observer in a noninertial frame (that is, a frame undergoing acceleration). Newton’s laws of motion hold true within such a reference frame only if the existence of such a force is presumed. The centrifugal force is an example of a pseudo force.

What do you mean by electrostatic force Class 8?

Electrostatic force is the force exerted by a charged body on another charged or uncharged body. This is because the comb is charged because of the rubbing on your hair and it attracts uncharged objects like paper.

What is fictitious force with example?

The forces you feel in a moving car—those that push you back into your seat when the driver steps on the gas or throw you side to side when the car makes sharp turns—are everyday examples of fictitious forces.

Why is it called a fictitious force?

When an object undergoes rotation, from the object’s reference frame, which is a non-inertial reference frame, the object feels there is a radially outward force, a centrifugal force, acting on it. However, from an inertial reference frame, this force doesn’t exist at all. That’s why it is called a fictitious force.

What is nuclear force short answer?

The nuclear force is a force that acts between the protons and neutrons of atoms. The nuclear force is the force that binds the protons and neutrons in a nucleus together. This force can exist between protons and protons, neutrons and protons or neutrons and neutrons. This force is what holds the nucleus together.

What is nuclear force Class 12?

Nuclear force is a force that acts between the protons and the neutrons of a nuclei. It is also called a force of attraction that holds the protons and neutrons in a nucleus together.

What are real and pseudo forces?

Real force arises because of the actual interaction (i.e. real interaction) of the objects in the same reference point. While pseudo forces are not real. They are imaginary forces. Pseudo forces arise because of the change in the reference point.

How does pseudo force work?

What is Pseudo Force? Pseudo force comes in effect when the frame of reference has started acceleration compared to a non-accelerating frame. The force F does not arise from any physical interaction between two objects, but rather from the acceleration ‘a’ of the non-inertial reference frame itself.

What is the difference between internal and external forces?

Internal Forces and External Forces. Internal Forces & External Forces (You Are Here!) Internal Forces are forces between objects found inside the system. External forces are forces that act on the system and their agents are part of the environment.

What is an example of an external force?

It is a force that causes the center of mass of a body or of a system to accelerate, or in other words, external force always changes the linear momentum of system. Frictional force is an example of external force.

What is an external force applied to an object?

An external force (in addition to the spring force) is continually applied to an object of mass m attached to a spring that has a spring constant k. The frequency of this external force is such that resonance occurs.

What are examples of outside forces?

Examples of external forces include dead loads, such as the weight of the structure itself and the non-structural materials it supports, and live loads, which include moving loads, such as occupants, goods, and furniture, as well as wind loads, seismic loads, and impact loads, among others.