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What is meant by grid?

What is meant by grid?

A grid is a network of intersecting parallel lines, whether real or imaginary. Grid can also refer to a physical network of sorts, not necessarily made of straight or parallel lines. You may be familiar with the high voltage electrical cables that carry power throughout the country, known as the national grid.

What is Grid explain with example?

The definition of a grid is a pattern of horizontal and vertical lines spaced out at regular intervals, forming squares or rectangles. The lines on graph paper are an example of a grid. noun.

What is grid mean in science?

An electric grid is a network of synchronized power providers and consumers that are connected by transmission and distribution lines and operated by one or more control centers. When most people talk about the power “grid,” they’re referring to the transmission system for electricity.

What is a grid in 9th class?

Grid is the network of lines formed by the combination of parallels of latitudes and longitudes on the globe. It is useful for locating various places exactly on the globe or map.

What is grid in social?

Answer: grid – is a system of intersecting (crossing) lines that form boxes on a map or globe. lines of latitude – are imaginary lines that circle the Earth. They are drawn from east to west and measure the distance north or south of the equator. Muxakara and 4 more users found this answer helpful.

What is a grid question answer?

Grid questions are used to present multiple items to respondents one at a time, and ask for a multiple- or single-choice answer in response, with the answer options remaining the same across all items.

What’s grid social media?

When people navigate to your account, from search or from discovered content, your grid is what makes your first impression – and first impressions really do count! Unlike other social media networks where you may have to scroll some distance to see just a handful of posts – Instagram has your content in grid view.

What is a grid Class 6 answer?

Answer: The lines of longitude are also known as meridians.

What do you mean by Earth grid?

In order to locate correctly each and every place on the surface of the Earth, a network of horizontal and vertical lines is drawn on the globe. This network of systematic lines is called the ‘Earth Grid’. The point, where the lines intersect, pinpoints the location of a place.

Who does the grid help us?

The grid is a man-made system that uses latitude and longitude to accurately measure the position of any point on the surface of the world. In graphic design, a grid system is a two-dimensional structure. There is a geographical grid on Earth.

How are we connected to the power grid?

We are constantly connected to the power grid, which keeps our food refrigerated, our homes heated, our computers running and our rooms lit. Power lines, transmission stations and power plants have become a part of the landscape — to the point that we hardly notice them.

Which is the best definition of the grid?

a network of horizontal and vertical lines superimposed over a map, building plan, etc, for locating points. a grating consisting of parallel bars. the grid the national network of transmission lines, pipes, etc, by which electricity, gas, or water is distributed.

What are the behaviors of a managerial grid?

According to the Grid, the different behavior dimensions would lead to the following managerial behaviors: Concern for people – People orientation. The first behavior examines the leaders approach or concern for people. This includes consideration for team members’ needs, interests or their personal development.

Who are the creators of the management grid?

The Grid’s original developers are management theoreticians Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mouton and they created the model during the 1960s. The model was a product of their findings at Exxon, where they worked to improve the effectiveness of leaders.