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What is meant by mixed-race?

What is meant by mixed-race?

Definition of mixed-race : deriving from or made up of two or more races (see race entry 1 sense 1a) mixed-race families/couples his mixed-race heritage especially : having parents or ancestors of different races Factors like location and physical presentation greatly alter the experiences of mixed-race people. —

What is another word for biracial?

What is another word for biracial?

mixed-race bicultural
interracial multiracial
desegregated unsegregated
diverse non-segregated
nonracial anti-discrimination

What’s the opposite of multiracial?

What is the opposite of multiracial?

segregated divided
discriminative separate
separated excluded
isolated partitioned

What is mono racial?

Monoethnicity is the existence of a single ethnic group in a given region or country. It is the opposite of polyethnicity. Most Sub-Saharan African countries have what would be considered a mono-racial society, but it is common to find dozens of ethnic groups within the same country.

What is it like to be a biracial person?

From checking boxes on forms to fulfilling quotas, race is used to define and control so many aspects of everyday life. And biracial people are constantly faced with a choice. It was the first time she realized that people are different colors—and receive different treatment because of that.

What makes a mixed race person identify as biracial?

As Michelle explains in her essay, the way a mixed-race person with one black parent identifies is often the result of several factors, including whether the person feels pressure from some in the black community to identify as black. What I find interesting now is the pressure from some in the white community to get Obama to identify as biracial.

Do you think the term biracial is derogatory?

It seems offensive and derogatory to me to honor the rule. And yet, the term biracial doesn’t offer a cakewalk. It has social and political ramifications. “Biracial” sometimes plays poorly in the black community.