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What is medial to the lungs?

What is medial to the lungs?

The correct answer is A: The heart is medial to the lungs.

What is posterior to the spine?

The posterior spinal artery (dorsal spinal arteries) arises from the vertebral artery in 25% of humans or the posterior inferior cerebellar artery in 75% of humans, adjacent to the medulla oblongata. It supplies the grey and white posterior columns of the spinal cord.

Are the lungs lateral to the heart?

The lungs lie lateral to the heart. Towards the mid line of the body. The heart lies medial to the lungs.

What is the back side of the body called?

Posterior (or dorsal) Describes the back or direction toward the back of the body.

What is lateral to the lungs?

The sternum lies anterior to the heart. The lungs lie lateral to the heart. Medial. Towards the mid line of the body. The heart lies medial to the lungs.

Is your heart lateral to your lungs?

The human lungs flank the heart and great vessels in the chest cavity: The human lungs flank the heart and great vessels in the chest cavity. The lungs are found in the thoracic cavity, and extend laterally into the right and left halves around the heart.

What muscles attach to the vertebral column?

The two main muscle groups that affect the spine are extensors and flexors. The extensor muscles enable us to stand up and lift objects. The extensors are attached to the back of the spine. The flexor muscles are in the front and include the abdominal muscles.

What muscles rotate the vertebral column?

The multifidus muscles extend and rotate the vertebral column. Moving medially, we can see the multifidus muscles that originate on the sacrum and vertebrae and insert on more superior vertebrae. Due to these attachments, they extend and rotate the vertebral column.

Are your lungs lateral to your heart?

The lungs lie lateral to the heart. The heart lies medial to the lungs.

Is the heart medial to the lungs or lateral?

Click to see full answer. Furthermore, is the heart medial to the lungs? The diaphragm lies inferior to the heart. Away from the mid line of the body. The lungs lie lateral to the heart. The heart lies medial to the lungs. Subsequently, question is, what are the directional terms?

Is the spinal column dorsal to the heart?

The spinal column is dorsal to the heart. 2. The lungs are lateral to the heart. 3. In the anatomic position, the fingers are inferior to the… See full answer below. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Learn what it means to be on the same side as something else or on a different side altogether.

What is the directional term of the lungs?

The lungs lie lateral to the heart. The heart lies medial to the lungs. what are the directional terms? In general, directional terms are grouped in pairs of opposites based on the standard anatomical position. Superior and Inferior. The foot is inferior (below) to the knee.

Where are the lungs located in the body?

The heart and the lungs reside in the thoracic cavity, as well as many blood vessels. The inner organs are protected by the rib cage and the sternum. Is the knee proximal to the ankle?