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What is natural drying?

What is natural drying?

Natural drying: Natural drying means sun drying when excess water is removed by sunlight, the process is called natural drying. Natural drying is done by three ways- By standing crops. By cut stock and. In threshed grain.

What are types of drying?

These include:

  • Convection drying.
  • Bed dryers.
  • Drum drying.
  • Freeze Drying.
  • Microwave-vacuum drying.
  • Shelf dryers.
  • Spray drying.
  • Infrared radiation drying.

Which is more advantageous natural drying or artificial drying?

Artificial drying offers better control than natural drying, resulting in greater product uniformity and quality. The initial investment on equipment and expenditures on energy inputs are, however, high and may not always be justified. In general, the initial drying temperature should be restricted to 25 to 45° C.

What is drying and methods of drying?

Drying is a mass transfer process consisting of the removal of water or another solvent by evaporation from a solid, semi-solid or liquid. This process is often used as a final production step before selling or packaging products.

What is dehydration or artificial drying?

But the former term is generally used for drying under the influence of non-conventional energy sources like sun and wind whereas dehydration means the process of removal of moisture by the application of artificial heat under controlled conditions of temperature, humidity and air flow.

Which is artificial method of seed drying?

II. Mechanical drying or artificial drying Forced air drying • In forced air drying, natural air or air supplemented with heat is blown through a layer of seed until drying is completed. Generally ordinary seed godowns are provided with two types of ventilators for free movement of air circulation.

What is difference between drying and dehydration?

The key difference between drying and dehydration is that the drying refers to the removal of solvent from a solid, semi-solid or a liquid whereas dehydration refers to the removal of water from the water-containing compound.

What is Theory of drying?

Theory of drying  Drying involves both heat & mass transfer operations.  To dry material, two steps are needed viz.. i. Heat must be supplied to provide latent heat of vaporisation. ii. The liberated vapour must be removed by moving an air steam.

What are the types of artificial drying?

Generally, three types of solar driers are used, as (1) the absorption or hot box type driers in which the product is directly heated by sun, (2) the indirect or convection driers in which the product is exposed to warm air which is heated by means of a solar absorber or heat exchanger and (3) drier, which is …