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What is obsidian used for for kids?

What is obsidian used for for kids?

Because there is no crystal structure, obsidian blade edges can reach almost molecular thinness, leading to its ancient use as arrowheads, and its modern use as surgical scalpel blades. …

Can obsidian be purple?

Color is dark green to dark brown and black, also can show sheens of gold or green, yellow, blue and/or purple coloration. Sometimes with white inclusions (Snowflake Obsidian). Luster is vitreous. Transparency: Obsidian is translucent in any stone of appreciable size.

How old can obsidian be?

Although most rocks that form in the Earth’s crust are very old, obsidian is rarely older than 20 million years old which is young for a rock. Obsidian goes through a process called devitrification whereby it turns from glass to a rock.

Is Blue obsidian worth anything?

There is no set value or market for obsidian, unlike silver and gold, where there are world markets and indices. Obsidian is not an expensive stone. Like other gemstones, excellent quality cutting and polishing will increase the value of a stone, including obsidian.

Is there White obsidian?

Black is the most common color of obsidian. However, it can also be brown, tan, or green. Rarely, obsidian can be blue, red, orange, or yellow. At these locations, the crystallization process forms radial clusters of white or gray cristobalite crystals within the obsidian.

Is obsidian a glass?

obsidian, igneous rock occurring as a natural glass formed by the rapid cooling of viscous lava from volcanoes. Obsidian is extremely rich in silica (about 65 to 80 percent), is low in water, and has a chemical composition similar to rhyolite. Obsidian has a glassy lustre and is slightly harder than window glass.

What are the health benefits of obsidian?

Healing. Obsidian is beneficial for ailments relating to digestion and helps to reduce food cravings. Its healing properties also include aiding vision, arthritis, and hardening of the arteries.

What minerals are in Obsidian?

Obsidian is a black, extrusive igneous rock that is often called volcanic glass due to its absent crystals and glassy appearance. Major minerals include feldspar, quartz, and mica. Obsidian cools so quickly outside of the volcano that individual crystals do not have time to grow. An information card with details on…

What is the symbolic meaning of obsidian?

The Obsidian crystal stone meaning reminds us that everyone has a good and bad side. Instead of hiding from our inner truth, Obsidian shines a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading towards light and love.

Is Obsidian an igneous rock?

Obsidian is an igneous rock that forms when molten rock material cools so rapidly that atoms are unable to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure. It is an amorphous material known as a “mineraloid.”.