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What is postal code of a country?

What is postal code of a country?


Title Country Code 2 Number
India IN 15216
Indonesia ID 86554
Italy IT 19938
Japan JP 94378

Why does my postal code not work?

You will see this error when the zip or postal code of your address does not match your purchasing card. Simply review what the postal or zip code of your purchasing card is, and re-enter the correct information to proceed.

What is Philippines Country postal code?

Philippines – postal codes

Place Country
18 Manila CPO-PO Box# 1700 to 1799 Philippines
19 Manila CPO-PO Box# 1800 to 1899 Philippines

Which countries require postal codes?

Countries/Territories Requiring Postal Codes

Country/Territory Country/Territory Code
United States US
Uruguay UY
Uzbekistan UZ
Vatican City State VA

Where do you put your postal code in an address?

ZIP code should be placed on the left-hand side of the last line of the address.

How many postal codes are there in this country?

41,692 ZIP Codes
There are 41,692 ZIP Codes in the country. ZIP Codes range from 00501, belonging to the Internal Revenue Service in Holtsville, NY, to 99950 in Ketchikan, AK.

How do you format a postcode?

Postcodes should always be in BLOCK CAPITALS as the last line of an address. Do not underline the postcode or use any punctuation. Leave a clear space of one character between the two parts of the postcode and do not join the characters in any way.

What is a valid postcode?

The postcode is a combination of between five and seven letters/numbers, which define four different levels of geographic unit. Full valid postcodes can be located at the Royal Mail Postcode Finder website, Each postcode consists of two parts.

How do you write a postal address in the Philippines?

Address elements Philippine addresses always contain the name of the sender, the building number and thoroughfare, the barangay where the building is located, the city or municipality where the barangay is located and, in most cases, the province where the city or municipality is located.

Do some countries not have postal codes?

Nearly every country has a different addressing system. Most countries have a postcode system which indicates the delivery zone or office. However, some countries do not have a postcode system or have one but do not use it.

Which country has no postal code?

Hong Kong
There is 999077 for mainland mail bound for city, but it is unheard of in local postage and rarely used. Unlike many countries and cities worldwide, Hong Kong has no postcode.