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What is preventing people or supplies from coming into or leaving a port called?

What is preventing people or supplies from coming into or leaving a port called?

Blockade. The shutting off of a port by ships to keep people or supplies from moving in or out. Militia.

What is a closing off of an area to keep people or supplies from going in or out?

Blockade | Definition of Blockade by Merriam-Webster.

What is a soldier who serves another country for money?

A mercenary, sometimes known as a soldier of fortune, is a private individual, particularly a soldier, who takes part in military conflict for personal profit, is otherwise an outsider to the conflict, and is not a member of any other official military.

What term refers to the closing of a country’s harbors by enemy ships to prevent trade and commerce especially to prevent traffic in military supplies?

Close patrol of hostile ports, in order to prevent naval forces from putting to sea, is also referred to as a blockade.

What is a force made up of civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army?

A militia is a band of civilians trained to do army type business, without officially joining the army. Militia comes from mīlet-, Latin for “soldier,” but the word now refers to a band of fighters who aren’t officially soldiers.

What prevented the British from being rescued by the British navy at the Battle of Yorktown?

What prevented the British from being rescued by the British navy? The British troops were outnumbered. The combined forces of the French and American troops prevented a British retreat. The French and American troops surrounded the British.

What is a military force made up of civilians called?

The definition of a militia is an army made up of regular citizens called to respond during an emergency. An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.

What are civilians trained as soldiers?

Civilians Trained As Soldiers But Not Part Of The Regular Army Crossword Clue. The crossword clue Civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army with 7 letters was last seen on the January 24, 2016. We think the likely answer to this clue is MILITIA.

What were Metternich’s three principles?

The Vienna Settlement was based on three principles, viz., restoration, legitimacy’ and compensation.

What were the actions taken in the Congress of Vienna?

The Congress of Vienna dissolved the Napoleonic world and attempted to restore the monarchies Napoleon had overthrown, ushering in an era of reaction.