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What is regal authority?

What is regal authority?

of or pertaining to a king; kingly; royal; as, regal authority, pomp, or sway. Etymology: [F. rgale, It.

What did Regal mean?

Definition of regal 1 : of, relating to, or suitable for a king. 2 : of notable excellence or magnificence : splendid. Other Words from regal Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About regal.

Can a person be regal?

If you describe something as regal, you mean that it is suitable for a king or queen, because it is very impressive or beautiful. He sat with such regal dignity.

What is a vice regal position?

(vīs′roi′) 1. A man who is the governor of a country, province, or colony, ruling as the representative of a sovereign.

What is a regal woman?

1] adj of, relating to, or befitting a king or queen; royal.

What is the synonym of the word regal?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for regal, like: lordly, magnificent, noble, kingly, royal, imperial, Chivas, grand, imposing, princely and queenly. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

What are regal functions?

on 26 March, 1991. Employees and Ors . , it was held that the regal functions are making laws disposal of certain cases judicially and other this artificial division of municipal activities. Barring the regal functions of a municipality, if such other activities.

Can a woman be regal?

A bit more polite than “ass,” less clinical than “buttocks.” E.g: She is pretty and has some great gams. term largely used in the 20’s to describe women who acted contrary to what was commonly expected by going out, drinking, smoking, dancing, wearing make-up etc.

How do you become a regal?

Some examples of royal-like courteous behavior include: always use “please” and “thank you,” always be punctual, compliment others when something about them strikes you and give praise for the achievements of others, and make an effort to engage in light conversation with those around you.

Can a queen be regal?

There are several synonyms for regal, but they all have slightly different meanings. Reserve regal for those instances when the person or thing truly seems like it wants to be the queen, actually is the queen, or looks like it might belong to the queen.

How many Viceroys are there?

Viceroys in India from 1858 to 1947

Viceroy Tenure
Lord Willingdon 1931 – 1936
Lord Linlithgow 1936 – 1944
Lord Wavell 1944 – 1947
Lord Mountbatten 1947-48