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What is Septa fish?
In bony fishes the gill septum of the hyoid arch is greatly modified to become a single, movable, bony covering for the whole gill chamber—the operculum. The individual gill septa are lost, and there is a great modification of the posterior branchial muscles, with many of the elements found…
Does fish have septum?
The Swimming Apparatus of Fish. The vertebral column between skull and tail supports a median septum dividing the fish into two lateral halves (Fig. 1). The vertebral column is laterally highly flexible and virtually incompressible longitudinally.
What is Myocommata fish?
The myocommata run in an oblique, almost “plow-like” pattern perpendicular to the long axis of the fish, from the skin to the spine. This anatomy is ideally suited for the flexing muscle movements necessary for propelling the fish through the water.
What is myomeres fish?
Myomere are the blocks of skeletal muscle tissue found commonly in chordates. The myomeres are separated from adjacent myomere by connective tissues and most easily seen in larval fishes or in the olm.
What is the difference between Myocommata and myotomes?
Each myotome lies opposite the point of articulation of two vertebrae and is supplied by a spinal nerve. Between successive myotomes are tough connective tissue partitions, known as myocommata which are joined on the outer side to the skin on the inner side to the vertebral column.
What is the function of the Myomere?
There are three distinct types of myomeres: amphioxine, cyclostomine and piscine. All have in common the function of bending their possessors’ bodies from side to side to provide locomotor force. In all cases pull is applied obliquely to the long axis of the body.
Are W-shaped myomeres primitive?
This primitive fish displays unambiguous vertebrate features: a notochord, a pair of prominent camera-type eyes, paired nasal sacs, possible cranium and arcualia, W-shaped myomeres, and a post-anal tail.
What is the function of myomeres in sharks?
The muscles revealed by skinning the side of the shark are arranged in W-shaped bundles called myomeres. The myomeres are separated from one another by connective tissue. Contractions of the myomeres produce the side to side motion of the body that propels the shark foward.
Why is a longitudinal septum called a double septum?
A longitudinal vaginal septum (LVS) is sometimes called a double vagina because it creates two vaginal cavities separated by a vertical wall of tissue. One vaginal opening may be smaller than the other. During development, the vagina begins as two canals.
Is the vagina above the transverse septum normal?
Above the transverse vaginal septum, there is a normal vagina. If there is a complete obstruction without a hole within the transverse vaginal septum, then if a woman is having menstrual cycles there is a blockage of the blood and it will collect in the upper vagina.
What are the two types of vaginal septum?
There are two types of vaginal septum. The type is based on the position of the septum. A longitudinal vaginal septum (LVS) is sometimes called a double vagina because it creates two vaginal cavities separated by a vertical wall of tissue. One vaginal opening may be smaller than the other. During development, the vagina begins as two canals.
How is the septum related to aggressive behavior?
This suggests that the contribution of the septum in aggressive behavior might be more anxiety-related. Indeed, recent studies using microdialysis of vasopressin during offensive aggression in rats show that males characterized by low anxiety and high aggression reduce AVP release in the lateral septum during the aggressive interaction.