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What is the average temperature and precipitation in a tropical rainforest?

What is the average temperature and precipitation in a tropical rainforest?

Tropical rain forests are warm areas that receive a great deal of rainfall. Average temperatures range from 70-90 degrees F. Rainfall ranges from 60-200 inches per year. Relative humidity is typically 70% in the daytime and 95% at night.

Does the tropical rainforest have high precipitation?

Rainforests are subject to heavy rainfall, at least 80 inches (2,000 mm), and in some areas over 430 inches (10,920 mm) of rain each year. In equatorial regions, rainfall may be year round without apparent “wet” or “dry” seasons, although many forests do have seasonal rains.

What is the average monthly precipitation in the tropical rainforest?

On average, tropical rainforests receive annual precipitation of more than 150cm. In a single month, the rainforest can receive 4 inches of rain. Tropical rainforest differs from other climates.

How much rain does the rainforest get per day?

A tropical rainforest gets about 150 cm of rain per year. It gets lots of rain because it is very hot and wet in rain forests. The hotter the air, the more water vapor it can hold. It rains usually about 1/8 of an inch per day.

What is the average precipitation in the tropical climate zone?

A day has about 12 hours of sunlight throughout the year. The average rainfall in the rain forest is the highest for any ecoregion on Earth. The climate in tropical rain forests is constantly warm and moist. The average rainfall in most rain forests is very heavy, about 200–450 centimeters (80–180 inches) per year.

What is the average climate in the tropical rainforest?

Mean temperatures in tropical rainforest regions are between 20 and 29 °C (68 and 84 °F), and in no month is the mean temperature below 18 °C (64 °F). Temperatures become critical with increasing altitude; in the wet tropics temperatures fall by about 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) for every 100 metres (328 feet) climbed.

How much precipitation does the temperate rainforest get?

Temperate rainforests are also wet, but not as rainy as tropical rainforests. It rains about from 60 – 200 inches (150 – 500 cm) each year, while the other moisture comes from the coastal fog that lingers on the trees. The fog provides about 7 – 12 inches (18 – 30°C) of rain each year.

Why does tropical rainforest have high rainfall?

Since tropical rainforests have so many plants, there’s a ton of transpiration. When you get that much water vapor hovering over rainforests, it’s bound to rain a lot. In sum, tropical rainforests only exist in areas of high rainfall, but they also cause more precipitation through transpiration.

How humid is the rainforest?

about 88%
Tropical rainforests also have high humidity; about 88% during the wet season and approximately 77% in the dry season.

Why does it rain so much in tropical rainforest?

What is the average rainfall in tropical high rainfall zone?

The Equatorial Climate is characterised by hot average temperature all year round and high monthly precipitation, typically no less than 60 mm a month with annual precipitation tending to be over 2000mm. The diurnal temperature range is greater than the annual temperature range.

What causes high precipitation in the tropics?

The tropics receive a great amount of direct solar energy, which produces more evaporation than higher latitudes. The warm, moist air rises, condenses into clouds and thunderstorms, and falls back to earth as precipitation. More evaporation results in more precipitation.