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What is the best antonym for monopoly?

What is the best antonym for monopoly?

antonyms for monopoly

  • distribution.
  • joint-ownership.
  • scattering.
  • sharing.

What is the polar opposite of a monopoly?

There is an “oligopoly”, which is the dominating of the market by a select few businesses.

What is another word of monopoly?

What is another word for monopoly?

syndicate consortium
domination holding
ownership patent
copyright corner
oligopoly proprietorship

What is the opposite of a monopoly quizlet?

Only $47.88/year. Define perfect (or pure) competition. the opposite of a monopoly, in which only a single firm supplies a particular good or service, and that firm can charge whatever price it wants because consumers have no alternatives and it is difficult for would-be competitors to enter the marketplace.

What is oligopoly and monopoly?

A monopoly and an oligopoly are market structures that exist when there is imperfect competition. A monopoly is when a single company produces goods with no close substitute, while an oligopoly is when a small number of relatively large companies produce similar, but slightly different goods.

What is opposite of perfect competition?

Monopoly is a situation where there is a single seller in the market. In conventional economic analysis, the monopoly case is taken as the polar opposite of perfect competition.

What is the antonym for corporation?

What is the opposite of corporation?

aloneness antagonism
division isolation
opposition rivalry
seclusion separation
solitude individual

What are 4 types of monopolies?

Terms in this set (4)

  • Natural monopoly. A market situation where it is most efficient for one business to make the product.
  • Geographic monopoly. Monopoly because of location (absence of other sellers).
  • Technological monopoly.
  • Government monopoly.

Is the opposite of pure competition?

What market situation is opposite of pure competition?

A monopolistic market is the opposite of a perfectly competitive market, in which an infinite number of firms operate. In a purely monopolistic model, the monopoly firm can restrict output, raise prices, and enjoy super-normal profits in the long run.

What is the opposite of monopolistic competition?

Contrary to a monopolistic market, a perfectly competitive market has many buyers and sellers, and consumers can choose where they buy their goods and services.