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What is the best definition of figured bass?

What is the best definition of figured bass?

figured bass. / (beɪs) / noun. a shorthand method of indicating a thorough-bass part in which each bass note is accompanied by figures indicating the intervals to be played in the chord above it in the realization.

What is figured bass music theory?

Figured Bass is a specific kind of notation in which the composer writes numbers below bass notes in the lower staff, and those numbers represent the chords made above the bass notes.

What is figured bass used for?

Figured bass, or thoroughbass, is an integer musical notation used to indicate intervals, chords, and nonchord tones, in relation to a bass note.

What is a figured bass quizlet?

-a bass line with the intended harmonies indicated by figures rather than written out as chords, typical of continuo parts in baroque music. …

Is figured bass useful?

For music analysts today, figured bass is useful in two ways: for indicating chord inversions and. for representing intervals and melodic motion above a bass line.

What does a 7 mean in figured bass?

A seventh chord in root position would be 7/5/3 if completely figured. In practice this is abbreviated to just “7.” A seventh chord in first inversion would be 6/5/3, and is abbreviated to 6/5. A seventh chord in second inversion would be 6/4/3, and is abbreviated to 4/3.

Why did composers use figured bass?

As a musician improvised, or create the music in their head as long as they followed the basic chord structure, the bass line on chordal instruments, instruments with an ability to play chords, like the harpsichord, organ, or lute, they used the figured bass notation as a guide to tell them which chords to play.

What is the purpose of figured bass quizlet?

What is the purpose of Figured Bass? To quickly notate intervals between various moving voices, and was used as shorthand notation for the basso continuo of the Baroque period in music.

What are the elements that comprise figured bass?

A part notated with figured bass consists of a bass line notated with notes on a musical staff plus added numbers and accidentals (or in some cases (back)slashes added to a number) beneath the staff to indicate what intervals above the bass notes should be played, and therefore which inversions of which chords are to …

What does 54 mean in figured bass?

So in figured bass, 5/4 means a 5th above the root and a 4th above the root. This would mean (in your example, where C is the bass note) C, some kind of F, and some kind of G (this depends on the key signature—e.g., if you are in G major, it’s C, F#, G; if you are in C major, it’s C, F, G, etc.).

Is figured bass still used?

The accompanist uses the suggested chords, but plays them in whatever way they feel like. Figured bass is just the same, except that there are a few rules you have to obey – the rules of harmony. Figured bass is hardly ever used today except in music theory exams, or in early music groups.

Do you know the meaning of figured bass?

Although no one composes using figured bass any more, it’s still a useful way of referring to chords and chord progressions quickly. Figured bass is a compulsory part of Grade Six Theory. Figured bass is written underneath the bass line. (Sometimes a bass line with figures is called a “continuo”.)

What does figured bass mean in Baroque music?

Figured bass is a shorthand system for chords above a given bass note or string of bass notes. Basso continuo musicians, who accompany Baroque music from a bass part, use thoroughbass to remind them of what chords to play for each bass note.

When did they stop using figured bass in music?

By the second half of the 18th century, figured bass was almost entirely eliminated, except in sacred choral music, where it lingered until well after 1800: Beethoven’s Mass in C major (1807), for example, has a figured bass part.

What are the numbers on a figured bass chord?

Here, the bass note is a C, and the numbers 4 and 6 indicate that notes a fourth and a sixth above it should be played, that is an F and an A. In other words, the second inversion of an F major chord can be realized as: In cases where the numbers 3 or 5 would normally be understood, these are usually left out.