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What is the best food for whitetail deer?

What is the best food for whitetail deer?

The 9 Best Late-Season Deer Foods

  • Acorns. Acorns.
  • Newly Seeded Alfalfa.
  • Apples.
  • Soybeans.
  • Brassicas.
  • Corn.
  • Hard/Woody Browse.
  • Shrub/Brushy Browse.

What are two things whitetail deer like to eat?

White-tailed deer are herbivores, according to the website for the National Geographic Society. These mostly nocturnal grazers aren’t too picky about the types of plants they feed on. Some staples of the white-tailed deer include grass, nuts, twigs, alfalfa, corn, fruit and fungi.

What is the deer’s diet?

Grasses, sedges, the leaves and shoots of trees and other woody plants are all on the menu. Fruit and berries are sometimes eaten too, while tree bark is taken when other food is scarce.

What crops do whitetail deer eat?

Brassicas include many different plant types that whitetails will devour—rape, canola, turnips and radishes are some of my favorites. My favorite blends are Maximum, Winter Bulbs & Sugar Beets and Deer-RADISH.

Do deer eat apples whole?

Any deer lucky or unlucky enough to come across whole apples will eat them. In addition to their stomachs, which are unsuited to apple eating, apples lack the necessary nutrients, fiber, and protein that deer need to survive. A deer that eats too many apples can starve to death with a full stomach.

Is corn bad for deer?

Corn is high in starch and a good source of digestible energy, but can cause problems in a deer’s digestive system. When deer eat too much corn or other high-‐carbohydrate food, many complex changes occur in the rumen. A short-‐term consequence of eating too much corn is that the deer feel sick.

What’s the best feed for deer?

The best food for deer feeders is called pellets, made with a deer’s entire body’s nutrition in mind. You will not have to worry about accidentally feeding the deer something that is not good for them or might cause a bad case of indigestion if you only provide the deer pellets explicitly manufactured for deer.

What fruits do deer like best?

Deer can starve with a stomach full of alfalfa they cannot digest. Deer enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables such as apples, grapes, small plums, cherries, pears, pumpkin, carrots, snap peas, tomatoes, squash, almonds, watermelon, honey locust, watermelon, and persimmons.

What do whitetail deer like to eat most?

There are staples of the white-tailed deer that can eat grass, nuts, twigs, fruits, alfalfa as well as fungi. The white-tailed deer can change diet depending on the time of the year. It does not feed consistently on a particular diet all year long.

How much does whitetail deer eat a day?

With a white-tailed deer density that is appropriate for the habitat, a general rule of thumb is to estimate average consumption at about 3/4 pound of feed per day per deer day over the course of a year (even though the majority of properties do not provide pellets during October, November, and December).

How much protein do whitetail deer eat each day?

A White-Tailed Deer needs to eat 2% of its body mass (dry forage weight, see definition next paragraph) every day with a minimum protein content of 6% in order to just MAINTAIN muscle. This is the minimum threshold for a deer to maintain weight but it will not suffice for breeding purposes or lactation.

Do whitetail deer eat peanuts?

Response: Whitetail deer love peanuts. And like you stated, peanuts are high in protein and fat, making them an excellent food for deer. This combination would be especially great post-rut, when bucks are wore down and need to really pack on some weight.