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What is the collective noun for attendants?

What is the collective noun for attendants?

Group would be the most generic, if there were a lot of them you could use crowd; I quite like bevy, but my personal choice would perhaps be flock. Make up your own group noun that either makes sense, or is humorous. E.g. (using BillJ’s suggestion in the comments) “a cabin of stewardesses”.

What are wedding attendants?

The maid or matron of honor and the best man are also known as the honor attendants. Traditionally, the sister closest in age to the bride serves as the maid or matron of honor. If the bride does not have a sister, she may ask a close friend, cousin, or aunt.

What do you call a group of wedding guests?

A wedding party is the term for the entire group of people who participate in the ceremony alongside the couple—the maid of honor, best man, bridesmaids, groomsmen, and any children such as the flower girl or ring bearer.

What do you call the bridesmaids and groomsmen?

When using the term “wedding party”, one is referring to: the bride and the groom. the bridesmaids and the groomsmen. the flower girl(s) and the ring bearer(s) the junior bridesmaids and groomsmen.

What are the parts of a wedding?

Traditional Wedding Ceremony Order

  • The Processional. First off, the processional.
  • Words of Welcome. Once everyone is in place, the officiant will say a few words of welcome.
  • Introduction.
  • Readings.
  • Officiant Addresses Couple.
  • Exchange Vows.
  • Ring Exchange.
  • The Kiss.

Should you have the same number of bridesmaids and groomsmen?

There is no special rule saying you need them at all! Even wedding parties inclusive of “bridesmaids” and “groomsmen” are traditional (and make that arm-in-arm walk down the aisle a little easier). However, there’s no rule saying you’ve got to have the exact same number of people standing on each side of the altar.

What is a pre wedding party called?

rehearsal dinner
What is a rehearsal dinner? Like its name indicates, the rehearsal dinner is a pre-wedding party held immediately following the wedding rehearsal. It can be an intimate celebration including just close family members and the wedding party, or a larger event for the entire guest list.

What is a male bridesmaid called?

An “honor attendant,” or a “man of honor,” takes on the maid of honor role with differences in duties and dress. A male bridesmaid is usually called a “bridesman” or a “bride’s attendant.” Here, we break down how to flawlessly incorporate your man of honor into your bridal party.

Which is a collective noun for a group of people?

There are thousands of google search results for “cohort of guests” and “cohort of visitors” so they’re in common useage and I’ve added them to the list. “Cohort” is commonly used to describe any group of people which share common characteristics so it is likely to be used as a collective noun for other groups of people.

What’s the collective name for an academic group?

Collective term for a group of academic professors, typically in universities. A crew of sailors. From French “crue” (group of soldiers) through “gang of men on a warship” to “people acting or working together” not just on warships.

What do you call a group of students?

Groups of students are often described as pupils and could also be described as a cohort of pupils. A promise of tapsters. A “tapster” is an outdated term for a barman/barmaid (who looks after the “taps”) and their promise with a nod, eye contact or other acknowledgement that you’re next to be served – which may well turn out to be a false promise!

What do you call a group of people?

A crowd of people. People from French “peupel” (people, population, crowd; mankind, humanity) and earlier Latin populus (a multitude, crowd, throng) gathering together. Perhaps the best known term of venery for people. A squad of players. Sports teams are often referred to as squads.