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What is the current Platts price for D2 diesel?

What is the current Platts price for D2 diesel?

US$ 2.501/Gallon.

What is the market price for diesel fuel?

State Gas Price Averages

State Regular Diesel
California $4.704 $4.839
Colorado $3.475 $3.471
Connecticut $3.557 $3.707
District of Columbia $3.587 $3.681

Is Gasoil and diesel the same?

Is gas oil the same as diesel? In simple terms, yes gas oil and regular diesel (DERV) are virtually the same fuel, except gas oil is strictly prohibited and is only to be used in off-road vehicles.

Who uses gasoil?

agricultural industry
One of the main users is the agricultural industry who use gas oil. With farmers using many different machines and vehicles on a farm, these will mostly be powered by gas oil. But don’t think it’s used to fuel just tractors and combine harvesters; farmers have grain dryers and heaters that need powering too.

What is the meaning of gasoil?

fuel oil
: a hydrocarbon oil used as a fuel oil especially : a petroleum distillate intermediate in boiling range and viscosity between kerosene and lubricating oil.

What is Platts price?

Platts is the leading global provider of energy and metals information. Our mission is to provide information that creates transparency and helps drive market efficiency and liquidity. Price Assessments & Indices – Platts benchmark price assessments are widely used throughout the energy and metals supply chain.

What is Ago oil?

Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) which is also known as diesel is a by-product of crude oil. It is gotten in the mid-boiling range of crude oil refining process. AGO is a less flammable fuel compared to other petroleum products such as premium motor spirit. It is more dependable and efficient when running heavy-duty equipment.