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What is the degree comparison of worthy?

What is the degree comparison of worthy?

Comparative. more worthy. Superlative. most worthy. If something is worthy, it has value or worth.

Which one is the superlative form of the verb worthy?

Worthiest meaning Superlative form of worthy: most worthy.

What is worthy degree?

Answer: Adjective. worthy (comparative worthier, superlative worthiest) having worth, merit, or value quotations.

What is a comparative of worthy?

(wɜːʳði ) Word forms: comparative worthier , superlative worthiest , plural worthies.

What is the comparative form of worthy?

worthy ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌

adjective worthy
comparative worthier
superlative worthiest

What is the comparative of worthy?

What is the noun form of worthy?

worthiness. (uncountable) The state or quality of having value or merit. (countable) The result or product of having value or merit. (uncountable) The state or quality of being qualified or eligible.

What is the adjective form of worthy?

worthly. Having great worth or value; valuable; important; dignified; stately; excellent; worthy; deserving (of).

What is the synonym of worthy?

admirable, decent, deserving, desirable, excellent, honest, laudable, noble, reliable, satisfying, true, trustworthy, valuable, worthwhile, aces, best, choice, divine, model, moral.

What is the meaning of worthy opponent?

If a person or thing is worthy of something, they deserve it because they have the qualities or abilities required. […] [formal]

What is worthy adversary?

(formal) ​a person that somebody is opposed to and competing with in an argument or a battle synonym opponent. his old political adversary. The British considered him a worthy adversary.

What does worthy opponent mean?

1. : good and deserving respect, praise, or attention. Your donations will be going to a worthy cause. I consider him a worthy opponent.