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What is the difference between an endotoxin and an exotoxin quizlet?

What is the difference between an endotoxin and an exotoxin quizlet?

Endotoxins are part of the Gram (-) bacterial cell wall and are Lipids + Sugars while Exotoxins typically come from Gram (+) bacteria and are PROTEINS that are excreted.

What is more toxic endotoxin or exotoxin?

Exotoxins are more potent and often fatal when compared to endotoxins. The deadliest toxin in the world – Botulinum toxin or Botox is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Forms a part of the cell wall and is released on the death of the bacteria.

What is an exotoxin and examples of it?

Exotoxin. (Science: protein) toxin released from gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria as opposed to endotoxins that form part of the cell wall. Examples are cholera, pertussis and diphtheria toxins.

What do Exotoxins do?

Exotoxins are a group of soluble proteins that are secreted by the bacterium, enter host cells, and catalyze the covalent modification of a host cell component(s) to alter the host cell physiology. Both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria produce exotoxins.

What is endotoxin microbiology?

Endotoxin is a type of pyrogen and is a component of the exterior cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, like E. coli (see image). Endotoxin is a lipopolysaccharide or LPS. While lipid A does not directly harm any tissue, the immune cells of humans and animals alike see it as an indicator for the presence of bacteria.

Are exotoxins heat sensitive?

Exotoxins are typically heat sensitive (heat labile) proteins, but some are heat stable polypeptides. Exotoxins may be formed by both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Among bacterial exotoxins, some of natures most potent toxins are found.

Where is an exotoxin produced?

Exotoxins are a group of soluble proteins that are secreted by the bacterium, enter host cells, and catalyze the covalent modification of a host cell component(s) to alter the host cell physiology. Both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria produce exotoxins.

What is an example of endotoxin?

Endotoxin: Examples In bacteriology, this complex compound is also known as lipopolysaccharide and can be found on the outer membranes of bacteria like Escherichia coli, Salmonella shigella, Vibrio cholerae, and Haemophilus influenzae.

Is lipid A an exotoxin?

Lipid A is a lipid component of an endotoxin held responsible for the toxicity of gram-negative bacteria. It is the innermost of the three regions of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), also called endotoxin molecule, and its hydrophobic nature allows it to anchor the LPS to the outer membrane.

What is an example of an endotoxin?

Why are exotoxins called exotoxins?

Exotoxins (def) are toxins, often proteins in nature, secreted from a living bacterium but also released upon bacterial lysis. It was originally called endotoxin because it was located within the Gram-negative cell wall as opposed to being secreted from bacteria as in the case of exotoxins.)

What are the characteristics of exotoxins?

Exotoxins are usually heat labile proteins secreted by certain species of bacteria which diffuse into the surrounding medium. Endotoxins are heat stable lipopolysaccharide-protein complexes which form structural components of cell wall of Gram Negative Bacteria and liberated only on cell lysis or death of bacteria.

Are endotoxin produced by Gram negative bacteria?

Endotoxins are mainly produced by the Gram-Negative bacteria. Endotoxins are bonded within the bacterial cell wall and released upon the death of the bacterium. Endotoxin is mainly composed of lipopolysaccharide complexes. Endotoxins are relatively stable and can withstand several hours above 60-degree centigrade.

What does the toxin endotoxin do?

Endotoxin, toxic substance bound to the bacterial cell wall and released when the bacterium ruptures or disintegrates. Endotoxins consist of lipopolysaccharide and lipoprotein complexes. The protein component determines its foreign (antigenic) nature; the polysaccharide component determines the antibody type that can react with the endotoxin molecule to produce an immune reaction.

What are exotoxin infections?

Exotoxin. An exotoxin is a toxin secreted by bacteria . An exotoxin can cause damage to the host by destroying cells or disrupting normal cellular metabolism . They are highly potent and can cause major damage to the host. Exotoxins may be secreted, or, similar to endotoxins, may be released during lysis of the cell.