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What is the difference between wet and dry climate?

What is the difference between wet and dry climate?

During the wet season, temperatures average about 77 degrees. During the dry season, temperatures average about 68 degrees. The temperatures stay high throughout the year because of the latitude where this climate occurs. Areas near the equator receive constant direct sunlight and therefore, heat.

What is a wet tropical climate?

Places with a tropical wet climate are also known as rainforests. These equatorial regions have the most predictable weather on Earth, with warm temperatures and regular rainfall. Annual rainfall exceeds 150 centimeters (59 inches), and the temperature varies more during a day than it does over a year.

Where is a tropical wet climate?

Tropical Wet is only found along the equator, usually within 25 degrees of the equator because. Large areas of Tropical Wet are found in Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, and the Philippines. What Seasons Does it Have? Seasons don’t change in Tropical Wet, so there is only 1 season.

Where are tropical wet and dry climates?

Where is Tropical Wet and Dry Climate Usually Located? Tropical Wet and Dry is found near the equator, usually on the outer edges of Tropical Wet climate areas. The largest areas of Tropical Wet/Dry are found in Africa, Brazil, and India.

What do you mean by tropical wet and dry climate?

The tropical wet and dry climate in geology is also called the tropical savanna and is part of the Köppen climate division system that groups climates based on vegetation. Having signs of the monsoon climate, the tropical climate is represented by a wet season and a dry season.

What does dry climate mean?

Deserts and steppes comprise the regions that are characterized by dry climates. These are arid and semiarid areas that have three main characteristics: very low precipitation, high evaporation rates that typically exceed precipitation and wide temperature swings both daily and seasonally.

What are the characteristics of a dry climate?

Dry Climates (Group B)

  • Temperature: Abundant sunshine. Summer temperatures are high; winters are cooler and longer than Tropical Moist climates.
  • Rainfall: Irregular; several years of drought are often followed by a single year of abundant rainfall.

Why is there a wet and dry season?

In many tropical and subtropical regions, rainfall varies much more than temperature does. Also, because the earth tilts, the direct sun rays, and in turn, the tropical rain belt, shifts from the northern to the southern tropics. So these areas experience just two seasons: a wet season and a dry season.