What is the distance from the center of Mercury to the sun?
When Mercury is closest to the sun, it is only 46 million kilometers (29 million miles) distant, but when the planet is rounding the opposite focus of its orbit, it is 70 million kilometers (43 million miles) away from the sun.
What is the average distance from the center of the sun to the center of the Earth?
Earth orbits the sun at an average of 92,955,807 miles (149,597,870 kilometers). The distance from Earth to the sun is also called an astronomical unit, or AU, which is used to measure distances throughout the solar system. Related: How big is Earth?
What is the minimum distance of Mercury from sun?
28.5 million miles
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury’s orbit is not a perfect circle, so its distance from the sun varies. The minimum distance from the sun to Mercury is 28.5 million miles. The maximum distance is 43.5 million miles.
How far is Earth from the Sun right now?
147,808,899 kilometers
The distance of The Sun from Earth is currently 147,808,899 kilometers, equivalent to 0.988041 Astronomical Units.
How much closer is Mercury to the sun than Earth?
Because of this, its distance from the Sun varies between 46 million km (29 million mi) at its closest (perihelion) to 70 million km (43 million mi) at its farthest (aphelion). This puts Mercury much closer to the Sun than Earth, which orbits at an average distance of 149,598,023 km (92,955,902 mi), or 1 AU.
Why is Mercury the closest to the Sun?
Mercury is a small planet, closest to the Sun because it was most likely dragged in by Jupiter early on in our Solar System’s lifetime.
What is the point of mercury closest to the Sun?
Mercury follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun. At its closest point, Mercury gets to within 46 million km, and then at its most distant point, it gets to be 69.8 million km. And Venus also travels in an elliptical orbit, varying between 107.4 million km and 108.9 million km.
Is Mercury the planet farthest from the Sun?
The order of planets from closest to farthest from the Sun are Mercury , Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The largest planet is Jupiter, followed by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars and, the smallest planet, Mercury.
Is Mercury the closest orbiting object to the Sun?
Only planet Mercury orbits closer to the Sun. As shown in the included diagram, JG6 crosses the orbits of Venus and Mercury, passing less than 30 million miles from the Sun every six months. The approximate average orbital speed of this asteroid is more than 30 km/sec, or 67,000 miles per hour.