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What is the easiest bridge to make?

What is the easiest bridge to make?

Beam Bridge
Beam Bridge A beam or “girder” bridge is the simplest and most inexpensive kind of bridge. According to Craig Finley of Finley/McNary Engineering, “they’re basically the vanillas of the bridge world.” In its most basic form, a beam bridge consists of a horizontal beam that is supported at each end by piers.

How do you make a bridge in music?

A simple way to structure a bridge is to switch to another diatonic chord (a chord that occurs naturally in the song’s key) and hold off fully resolving to the I until you return to the verse or chorus. A common choice in a major key is to go to the IV or V chord in the bridge—you also might try the ii, iii, or vi.

How do you design a bridge?

For designing safe bridge structures, the engineering design process includes the following steps: 1) developing a complete understanding of the problem, 2) determining potential bridge loads, 3) combining these loads to determine the highest potential load, and 4) computing mathematical relationships to determine the …

What is the best bridge design?

Truss bridges are extremely effective because they have a high strength to weight ratio. In this experiment we have tested which type of truss bridge is the strongest, yet uses the least amount of material. Two of the most used truss bridges are of the Pratt and Howe design.

How do you make a bridge last a long time?

Dental bridges provide excellent restoration for many years with proper care. The first step toward a long-lived bridge is eating a nutritious diet. Avoid decay-promoting sugars and starches. Chewy and hard foods, such as candy, nuts, popcorn, and ice can wear out your bridge sooner.

What are strong bridges made of?

The four primary materials used for bridges have been wood, stone, iron, and concrete. Of these, iron has had the greatest effect on modern bridges. From iron, steel is made, and steel is used to make reinforced and prestressed concrete.

How do you make a paper bridge?

Line up two pieces of paper end to end, so the short edges are overlapping just slightly (by about a quarter of an inch). Use long strips of Scotch tape to bind the pieces of paper together on both sides. These two pieces of paper will make one “bridge.”

What’s the best way to build a bridge?

There are many ways to build bridges, both real bridges and popsicle stick bridges. Do some research, be creative, and remember – triangles are strong. A triangle spreads out weight and is much more stable than a simple rectangle or square support.

How many straws do you need to make a bridge?

Using tape and no more than 20 straws, design a bridge that can span a gap of at least 25 cm and support as many pennies as possible. DESIGN CHALLENGE SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT Per whole group: ☐ 2 tables or chairs ☐ Meter stick (1) ☐ 200 pennies or metal washers Per team: ☐ 1 roll tape ☐ Scissors ☐ Small paper cup

What’s the best way to test a bridge?

■ Give the teams time to plan and build their bridge. ■ Test each design by placing the bridge between two chairs or tables. • Place a paper cup on the bridge and add pennies or other weights. • Observe how the bridge deforms (or collapses) under stress. • Use a meter stick to measure how low the bridge hangs under stress.

How many popsicle sticks are needed to make a bridge?

The popsicle stick bridge is a classic science demonstration and competition. Every year many students world-wide build bridges made soley from popsicle sticks and glue, to see which designs can hold the most weight. We built one, using maybe 140 sticks, give or take a few.