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What is the example of long I sound?

What is the example of long I sound?

A few of the words that spell the long /i/ sound with just the letter i are only one syllable long. These words end with –ind, for example: kind, mind, and wind. You can practise spelling –ind words here. Most of the time the long /i/ sound is spelled with an i in the middle of the word and an e at the end of the word.

What are the words with long I?

Here are the words we’ll focus on:

  • long i spelled y – cry, fly, fry, shy, spy, try, sky, sty, sly, dry, by, my, why.
  • long i spelled ie – die, tie, pie, tied, flies, ties, tried, fried.
  • long i spelled igh – high, nigh, night, light, fight, tight, thigh, high, right.
  • Game one: Roll & Read.
  • Game 2: Roll & Read (second version)

How do you write the long i sound?

Six Ways To Spell Long I

  1. i – silent.
  2. i_e – kite.
  3. igh – night.
  4. y – my.
  5. y_e – type.
  6. ie – pie.

Is Lion A long I?

Did you know that long i occurs most often spelled i a the end of a syllable, as in lion or tiger, and i-consonant -e as in while.

How do you type a long I?

Also, a long “i” is the letter with a straight line above it, like an underline, just above the letter. Use the word “Italics” as an example, and even though we all (should) know that the first “I” should be a short “i”, many mispronounce it “äee”, like the Long “i”.

What is a long i sound?

Long i words are words that include the long /i/ vowel sound. This can sometimes be expressed with the letters “igh,” but is more to do with the phonetic sound of the syllable. Some examples of words which include the long I sound are: might, light, high, and sigh.

Is kind a long i sound?

The in kind is saying its long sound /ī/ because two consonants follow it. Note: the spelling rule state that and MAY say /ī/ and /ō/ when followed by two consonants.

Is there a long i sound?

Just I. In open syllables, the long i sound is represented by just the letter i by itself. Most of these will be 2 or more syllable words, such as silent and idea. I alone can also make the long i sound when it comes before two consonants, as in the words pint and kind.

Are there any words that spell the long i sound?

A few of the words that spell the long /i/ sound with just the letter i are only one syllable long. These words end with – i nd, for example: k i nd, m i nd, and w i nd. You can practise spelling –ind words here. A – E Words

What’s the difference between long E and long o?

Long E sound is EE an in sheet. Long I sound is AHY as in like. Long O sound is OH as in bone. Long U sound is YOO as in human or OO as in crude.

What are some words with long I and short i?

Short “i”, like SIT — Long “i”, like BIKE. Here are some words with the long “i” first, then the short “i”: file/fill. mice/miss. fight/fit. night/knit.

What’s the difference between short and long vowels?

1 Short Vowels. If a word contains only one vowel, and that vowel appears in the middle of the word, the vowel is usually pronounced as a short vowel. 2 Long Vowels. The long vowel sound is the same as the name of the vowel itself. 3 Weird Vowel Sounds. Sometimes, combinations of vowels and consonants (like Y and W) create unique sounds.