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What is the leading tone in music?

What is the leading tone in music?

While the scale degrees for the first six notes are the same for both major and minor scales, the seventh one is special. If the seventh note is a half step below the tonic, it is called a leading tone. If the seventh note is a half step below the tonic, it is called a leading note (or “leading tone”).

How to resolve leading tone?

The typical rule is that the leading tone must resolve up to tonic when it is in an outer voice (that is, the soprano or bass). If the leading tone is in an inner voice, it can resolve down a third to the fifth of the tonic chord (a so-called “sprung” or “frustrated” leading tone).

What resolves the tonic in tonal music?

The greatest tendency in all of tonal music is for the dominant chord, that is, the chord built upon the fifth tone of the scale, to resolve to the tonic chord. This is the “cadence” that ends most tonal music, and accounts for the feeling that one has “come home,” that the musical journey is over.

What chord is the leading tone?

A leading-tone chord is a triad built on the seventh scale degree in major and the raised seventh-scale-degree in minor. The quality of the leading-tone triad is diminished in both major and minor keys.

What does the leading tone resolves to?

The leading tone (also known as the leading note) resolves to the tonic in music. The tonic is the first scale degree or tone of a major or minor…

What is leading tone resolution?

Most of the tones in a fully-diminished leading-tone chord have a strong tendency to resolve to the pitches of a tonic triad. The leading tone, for example, is pulled towards scale degree ^1 . The seventh of the chord ( ^6 ) resolves like any other seventh: down by step (in this case to ^5 ).

Does the leading tone always have to resolve up?

The leading tone should almost always resolve to scale-degree 1 except when “springing” a leading tone in an inner voice (see below). 3. In minor, the leading tone will need to be raised in order to use a dominant chord for cadences. This often necessitates the use of an incomplete tonic chord.

What does it mean to frustrate the leading tone?

Frustrated Leading Tone If the leading tone in a V or viio chord lies in one of the outer voices (soprano or bass, where it would be most noticable) and the chord resolves to I without connecting ^7 to ^1 as expected, this is called a “frustrated” leading tone.

What is tonal harmony in music?

Tonal harmony emphasizes the relationship between chords, specifically the relationship between tonic, the home tone of the key, and dominant, the fifth note in the key. The other relationship in tonal harmony is between consonance (musical rest) and dissonance (musical movement or tension).

What is tonal sound?

Sometimes a noise source will emit noise that is concentrated in a narrow part of the spectrum or contains a high proportion of energy at a single frequency (a pure tone). This is referred to as tonal noise. Tonal noise is generally more noticeable and more annoying than non-tonal noise of the same level.

How do you write a leading tone chord?


  1. The leading-tone chord as a triad is always used in first inversion (viio6 v i i o 6 ).
  2. In minor we need to remember to use ti (↑^7 ), not te (↓^7 ), to build the leading-tone chord.
  3. In major the leading-tone 7th chord’s quality is half diminished if we don’t alter it (e.g. in C major: B-D-F-A).

What is a leading tone diminished 7th chord?

The leading tone diminished seventh chord is nearly identical to the dominant seventh chord, differing by only one pitch. (For example, in c minor, the dominant seventh chord is GBDF, and the leading tone diminished seventh chord is BDFAb. The only difference is between the G and the Ab.)

Which is the leading tone in tonal music?

Tonal music is music that is composed around a set of tones, such as a major or minor scale, in Western music notation. Answer and Explanation: The leading tone (also known as the leading note) resolves to the tonic in music. The tonic is the first scale degree or tone of a major or minor… See full answer below.

When does the leading tone resolve to the tonic?

The leading tone (also known as the leading note) resolves to the tonic in music. The tonic is the first scale degree or tone of a major or minor… See full answer below.

Which is the first tone of a major?

Create your account The leading tone (also known as the leading note) resolves to the tonic in music. The tonic is the first scale degree or tone of a major or minor…

What kind of music is composed around a set of tones?

Tonal music is music that is composed around a set of tones, such as a major or minor scale, in Western music notation. Become a member to unlock this answer! Create your account The leading tone (also known as the leading note) resolves to the tonic in music.