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What is the lifestyle of people in desert areas their food clothes work social customs etc?

What is the lifestyle of people in desert areas their food clothes work social customs etc?

Many people in the deserts are nomads. Nomads rear cattle like goats, cows and camels. They keep moving from one place to another with their animals in search of food and water for them. Some of them are craftsmen and make a living by selling their goods.

How is life in desert?

Deserts are characterized by their rainfall—or rather, their lack of it. Plants, animals and other organisms that live in deserts have evolved to survive harsh conditions, scarce water and barren landscapes. Some desert habitats are short-lived—springing up to brighten the landscape only when the rains come.

What is the food of desert area people?

Most desert peoples favor low-protein cereal grains, high-protein seeds, local varieties of vegetation, and teas and coffee. The nomadic peoples of the Sahara carry bags of rice and dates on camels’ backs while they herd sheep, which are occasionally eaten.

How would you describe the desert?

Deserts are areas that receive very little precipitation. One thing all deserts have in common is that they are arid, or dry. Most experts agree that a desert is an area of land that receives no more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation a year.

How do the people living in the Thar desert on their livelihood?

Means of Livelihood in the Thar Surprisingly, the Thar desert boasts of a heavy population living in the region who earning their livelihood. The economy of this region largely depends upon animal husbandry. The cattle population includes camels, cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep and ox.

How do humans help the desert?

We can more efficiently use existing water resources and better control salinization to improve arid lands, find new ways to rotate crops to protect the fragile soil, and plant sand-fixing bushes and trees.

How does the desert affect people’s lives?

The main characteristic of deserts is that they are extremely dry. Not only is it difficult for humans to survive in deserts – it is also hard for animals, plants and other forms of life to live. This, in turn, makes it even harder for human life to persist because there is always risk of running out of food.

What is social customs of desert?

The people of the desert prefer farming as their main occupation. They grow crops like jowar, maize and other cereals. The men wear dhoti kurta and the women wear ghaghra choli. People marry at a very early age as compared to others.

What clothes to wear in the desert?

Best Clothing for Desert Survival

  • Wide-brimmed Hat.
  • Long-Sleeved Shirt.
  • Long Pants.
  • Long Underwear.
  • Light Jacket.
  • Light Raincoat.
  • Socks.
  • Bandana or Shemagh.

What is a desert answer in one line?

A desert is any location on Earth that receives less than ten inches of rain per year. Deserts are extremely dry and may be either very hot or very cold. Hot deserts are extremely hot during the day and cold at night. Dunes are a good example of how a desert can change constantly.

What are the social customs of desert people’s?

The people of the desert prefer farming as their main occupation. They grow crops like jowar, maize and other cereals. The men wear dhoti kurta and the women wear ghaghra choli. People marry at a very early age as compared to others. Water is greatly conserved and not wasted. Delicious food like rabri and lassi are popular.

Why do people in the Sahara desert wear heavy robes?

(ii) People of the Sahara desert wear heavy robes. Answer: The climate in the Sahara Desert is scorching hot and the wind is dry. This is why the people of the Sahara Desert wear heavy robes to protect themselves from the dust storms and dry wind. Chapter 9 – Life in the Deserts from the NCERT geography book discusses:

What do all deserts have in common with each other?

One thing all deserts have in common is that they are arid, or dry. Most experts agree that a desert is an area of land that receives no more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation a year. The amount of evaporation in a desert often greatly exceeds the annual rainfall.

Why is there scanty vegetation in the deserts?

(i) There is scanty vegetation in the deserts. Answer: A desert is an area characterised by low rainfall, scanty vegetation and extreme temperature. These climatic conditions are not suitable for the growth of plants. This is why there is scanty vegetation in the deserts.