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What is the main cause of IBS?

What is the main cause of IBS?

Although there are many ways to treat IBS, the exact cause of IBS is unknown. Possible causes include an overly sensitive colon or immune system. Postinfectious IBS is caused by a previous bacterial infection in the gastrointestinal tract. The varied possible causes make IBS difficult to prevent.

Can you just develop IBS?

Can You Develop IBS Suddenly? The simple answer is Yes. Like any medical condition, IBS has to start at some point-one day you have normal bowel movements and the next day you start to notice changes. Maybe you start having diarrhea and gas or constipation and bloating.

Can IBS lead to other health problems?

Trouble with joints, muscles, and bones. Two out of every three people with IBS also have conditions that affect these body parts, called rheumatic diseases. Symptoms can vary, but you might get skin rashes, muscle pain, and headaches. Depending on the problem you’re having, different types of treatments can help.

What are the 3 types of IBS?

As such, IBS comes in multiple forms. These include IBS-C, IBS-D, and IBS-M/IBS-A. Sometimes IBS may develop as a result of an intestinal infection or diverticulitis, too. It’s important to pay close attention to your symptoms so your doctor can provide you with a more accurate diagnosis.

Why did I suddenly get IBS?

IBS can develop after a severe bout of diarrhea (gastroenteritis) caused by bacteria or a virus. IBS might also be associated with a surplus of bacteria in the intestines (bacterial overgrowth). Early life stress. People exposed to stressful events, especially in childhood, tend to have more symptoms of IBS .

What is IBS poop like?

Additionally, stool in the diarrhea-predominant type tends to be loose and watery and may contain mucus ( 10 ). Summary: Frequent, loose stools are common in IBS, and are a symptom of the diarrhea-predominant type. Stools may also contain mucus.

Does IBS shorten your life?

IBS tends to last a lifetime and the symptoms often come and go. Many patients may have long symptom-free years interspersed between periods of severe symptoms. IBS does not shorten the lifespan of affected individuals or lead to major life-threatening complications in most patients.

What foods can trigger IBS?

Some foods can make IBS-related constipation worse, including:

  • Breads and cereals made with refined (not whole) grains.
  • Processed foods such as chips and cookies.
  • Coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol.
  • High-protein diets.
  • Dairy products, especially cheese.

What age can you get IBS?

You can develop it at any age, but it’s most common for symptoms to start between the ages of 20 and 30. It’s less common for IBS to start later in life. You’re at greater risk of other bowel conditions causing your symptoms over the age of 40. So, it’s important to get any changes checked out.

Does IBS make you skinny?

IBS can result in weight loss or gain in certain individuals. Some people may experience significant abdominal cramping and pain that may cause them to eat fewer calories than they normally would. Others may stick to certain foods that contain more calories than needed.

Does IBS worsen with age?

Although seniors may feel that IBS is an inevitable part of aging, the opposite is actually true. While sensitivity of the nerves within the digestive system may increase with age, there are ways to help reduce the overall risk or alleviate the symptoms.

Does IBS ever go away?

Because IBS is a chronic condition, it may not go away completely. However, medication and lifestyle changes can help you manage the condition and reduce the frequency of attacks.