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What is the main difference between Hinduism and Islam?

What is the main difference between Hinduism and Islam?

Differences. The differences between the two religions are starker and go further than one being monotheistic and the other polytheistic. Hindus have no prophets, but Muslims have many prophets other than Muhammad, including Jesus Christ.

What came first Hinduism or Christianity?

Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ approximately 1,971 (33CE) years ago. As for Buddhism, it was founded by an Indian Prince Siddhartha Gautama in approximately 566BCE (Before Common Era), about 2500 years ago. In fact, the oldest of the four main religions is Hinduism.

How do Hindus differ from Muslims?

1.Hindus are the people who follow the practices and beliefs of Hinduism while Muslims are those that follow Islam . 2.Hindus believe in many gods while Muslims believe in only one God, Allah. 3.Hindus don’t eat cows while Muslims don’t eat pigs.

How does Christianity compare to Hinduism?

1. Christians believe that their God created the world from nothing whereas the Hindus believe that the world is a part of their God. 2. The Hindus believe in morality is practical. With Christianity they believe the law is the word of god and that is the last word.

What are some similarities between Hinduism and Christianity?

Summary points on similarities of hinduism and christianity. Hinduism and Christian may look like they do not really have something in common, but they have a lot of notable similarities such as their belief in one God; their belief in life after death; the kind of life Jesus Christ and Krishna had; and also their teachings on morality.

What is the religion of Hinduism?

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. Hinduism is world’s third largest religion after Christianity and Islam. Hinduism is the dominant religion in India, where Hindus form about 84 per cent of the total population. Hinduism is also known as “Sanatan Dharma” or the everlasting religion.