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What is the main idea of how do you Eat an ice cream cone?

What is the main idea of how do you Eat an ice cream cone?

Answer: The main idea of this passage from “How to Eat an Ice-Cream Cone” is C. Ice cream cones are delicate and require careful handling. Explanation: “How to Eat an Ice-Cream Cone” is an essay written by Lawrence Rust Hills, an American writer known for publishing humorous essays.

What was the purpose of the ice cream cone?

Marshall’s, but it seems more likely that the ice cream cone evolved out of efforts to help street vendors avoid the breakage and sanitation concerns that came with using dishes and spoons. One of the earliest alternatives to the penny lick was “hokey-pokey,” devised by immigrant street vendors in London in the 1870s.

Are you supposed to Eat the ice cream cone?

Never start eating from the base of the cone. As you nibble the cone away, more ice cream will appear, so alternate between nibbling the cone and licking the ice cream. When just the tip of the cone is left, you can eat it whole. Some people like to bite their ice cream, but this could cause your teeth to ache.

What is the author’s purpose for including this portion of how do you Eat an ice cream cone?

Explanation: The author’s purpose for including this portion of “How to Eat an Ice-Cream Cone” is to entertain the audience through his use of humor.

What is the main idea of this passage?

The main idea is the central, or most important, idea in a paragraph or passage. It states the purpose and sets the direction of the paragraph or passage. The main idea may be stated or it may be implied. When the main idea of a paragraph is stated, it is most often found in the first sentence of the paragraph.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

The main idea of a paragraph is the primary point or concept that the author wants to communicate to the readers about the topic. Hence, in a paragraph, when the main idea is stated directly, it is expressed in what is called the topic sentence.

How many licks does it take to finish one scoop of ice cream?

Did you know it takes about 50 licks to finish a single scoop of ice cream in a cone? Next time you order a single scoop ice cream cone, let us know how many times you had to lick it before you finished it! We’re pretty sure we could flatten a scoop of ice cream a whole lot faster than that!

Was the ice cream cone a mistake?

The invention of the actual ice cream cone, or “cornet,” still remains a controversial mystery. But what is widely accepted is the cone-shaped edible ice cream holder was indeed an accident. In 1902, Antonio Valvona filed the first patent in Britain for an edible ice cream cup.

What does it mean if you chew ice cream?

Possibly. Doctors use the term “pica” to describe craving and chewing substances that have no nutritional value — such as ice, clay, soil or paper. Craving and chewing ice (pagophagia) is often associated with iron deficiency, with or without anemia, although the reason is unclear.

What should we do after eating ice cream?

This is usually relieved by gargling with warm, saline water. Drinking a glass of water at room temperature after having an ice cream is definitely a good idea to avoid dental and throat problems.”

What is the purpose of the passage?

Explanation: ➢ If a reading passage is enjoyable to read, tells a personal story, or uses a story to teach a lesson, the author’s purpose is to entertain. ➢ If a reading passage provides facts about a particular subject or tells readers how to do something, the author’s purpose is to explain or inform.

Which audience is how do you eat an ice cream cone most likely written for?

Which audience is how do you eat an ice cream cone most likely written for? the correct answer is = People who enjoy reading humorous articles.