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What is the mass number of lead 208?

What is the mass number of lead 208?

Properties of Lead-208 Isotope:

Properties of Lead-208 Isotope: LEAD-208
Relative Isotopic Mass 207.9766521
Neutron Number (N) 126
Atomic Number (Z) 82
Mass Number (A) 208

What is the mass number of lead 207?

Properties of Lead-207 Isotope:

Properties of Lead-207 Isotope: LEAD-207
Relative Isotopic Mass 206.9758969
Neutron Number (N) 125
Atomic Number (Z) 82
Mass Number (A) 207

What is the lead number?

Fact box

Group 14 327.462°C, 621.432°F, 600.612 K
Atomic number 82 207.2
State at 20°C Solid 208Pb
Electron configuration [Xe] 4f145d106s26p2 7439-92-1
ChemSpider ID 4509317 ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database

What is the mass of lead 204?

Reference E95

Isotope Mass Spin
204Pb 203.973020 0
206Pb 205.974440 0
207Pb 206.975872 1/2
208Pb 207.976627 0

What is the mass number of lead 204?

Properties of Lead-204 Isotope:

Properties of Lead-204 Isotope: LEAD-204
Relative Isotopic Mass 203.9730436
Neutron Number (N) 122
Atomic Number (Z) 82
Mass Number (A) 204

What is the atomic mass of PB 204?

203.973 043
Assigning the aforementioned lead atomic weights as the lower and upper bounds of the interval, the standard atomic weight of lead is [206.14, 207.94]….Lead.

Isotope Atomic mass (Da) Isotopic abundance (amount fraction)
204Pb 203.973 043(8) [0.0000, 0.0158]
206Pb 205.974 465(8) [0.0190, 0.8673]

What is lead classified?

Lead is the fifth element of the fourteenth column in the periodic table. It is classified as a post-transition metal, a heavy metal, and a poor metal. Lead atoms have 82 electrons and 82 protons with 4 valence electrons in the outer shell. Characteristics and Properties.

What does the 208 in lead 208 represent?

The three isotopes lead-206, lead-207, and lead-208 represent the ends of three decay chains: the uranium series (or radium series), the actinium series, and the thorium series, respectively; a fourth decay chain, the neptunium series, terminates with the thallium isotope 205Tl.

What is the formula mass of lead?

Calcium hydroxide has the formula Ca(OH)2. The subscript number after the brackets multiplies whatever is in the brackets (a bit like in maths). Start a new model in Yenka and verify your answer using a beaker of lead nitrate. Formula mass of lead nitrate is 331 (331g = 1 mole).

What is the molar mass of lead?

The molar mass of lead is 207.2- there is only one atom so you leave this number as it is. The molar mass of sulfur is 32.07- since there are two atoms, you multiply this number by 2.

What is the mass number of the element lead?

Lead (pronounce: “/’lɛd/”) is a chemical element. Its chemical symbol is Pb, which comes from plumbum, the Latin word for lead. Its atomic number is 82, atomic mass is 207.2 and has a melting point of 327.8°C. It is a very poisonous and heavy metal.

What is Pb on the periodic table?

Lead, atomic number 82 in the periodic table, is a metallic element with the chemical symbol Pb, which stands for plumbum, the Latin name for the element. It is a soft, pliable metal that is silvery-white in color when freshly cut, but on exposure to air quickly acquires a dull gray appearance due to the formation of a layer of oxide.