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What is the maximum effective range of a 12 gauge slug?
What it shows is that the 12 gauge slug will travel pretty flat for up to 200 yards with perhaps 10 to 12 inches of drop at 200 yards. At 300 yards the chart shows a drop of about 4 feet. This was from a firearms study and suggests the absolute maximum a slug can travel is around 3700 feet (1230 yards).
What slugs to use in a rifled barrel?
If you’re using a fully rifled barrel, sabot slugs are a good choice. Foster slugs can be fired through a rifled barrel, and hunters who shoot rifled slugs through their rifled barrels claim to get good to excellent results.
How accurate is a shotgun slug at 100 yards?
Maximum effective range is limited as much by the slug’s rapid decay of energy and velocity as by its poor accuracy.” Published in 1964, the “Fact Book” states that a typical 12-gauge, 1-ounce slug traveling at 1560 fps loses 60 percent of its energy at 100 yards.
How much does a slug drop at 100 yards?
(Slugs can drop more than 10 inches over 100 yards.) With practice and accurate ranging, a good shooter could consistently hit a deer-size kill zone at 100 yards. If you don’t put in the time to practice at those ranges, keep your shots to a maximum of 50-75 yards.
Can I shoot rifled slugs through a smooth bore?
Yep, that’s what rifled slugs are designed for. The sabot slugs are for rifled barrel shotguns. As stated, rifled Foster slugs are meant for smoothbore barrels.
How accurate are rifled slugs?
The effective range of rifled slugs is considerably less than that of saboted loads. But most shots taken at woodland deer are within 100 yards. Using a rifled or full-bore slug is no disadvantage at this relatively close range, but only if you can place the slug where you want it.
Can you use buckshot in a rifled barrel?
Yes you can shoot buckshot through it without any ill effects. The rifled barrel will cause the shot column to spin, which will open up your pattern and lessen the effective range of your buckshot. The only real way to know how much is to shoot it and pattern it.
Are rifled slugs accurate?
How accurate is a 12 gauge slug?
Maximum-effective range is limited as much by the slug’s rapid decay of energy and velocity as by its poor accuracy.” It states that a typical 12-gauge, 1-ounce slug traveling at 1,560 fps loses 60 percent of its energy at 100 yards.
How long does a 12 gauge slug shoot?
So what exactly are the 12 gauge slug ballistics? A 12 gauge slug of one-ounce weight fired from a standard Federal cartridge will shoot over 300 yards. The ballistics are flat for around 200 yards and at the 300-yard mark the slug has dropped 4 feet. At 300 yards the slug is still lethal and penetrates ¾ inch plywood.
Can you use rifled slugs in smoothbore barrels?
In almost all cases, you should only use rifled slugs in smoothbore barrels. If you have a rifled shotgun barrel, you’re going to want sabot slugs. It’s counter-intuitive to what the “rifled” slug name suggests and while it may not be a catastrophic failure, you could damage the grooves in your rifled shotgun barrel.
Why are rifled slugs more accurate than rifling slugs?
It’s commonly assumed that because rifled slugs have angled grooves (and because the word “rifle” is in the name) they create the same type of spin that makes rifling so accurate. This is simply not true. Rifled slugs do spin, but the rotation is so small that it does not actually make a noticeable different in flight trajectory.
What’s the maximum range for a sabots slug?
Maximum responsible range for sabots lies between 125 and 150 yards, although when the XP3 and SST slugs first came out I shot eight-inch groups with both at 200 yards just to see if it could be done. And, on the right day with a good rest, it can be although I would not recommend 200 yard shots at deer.