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What is the mode of nutrition in leeches?
Leech sucks blood from the host body for it’s survival. Therefore it is a parasite. The mode of nutrition in leech is Parasitic nutrition.
How do parasitic leeches feed?
Most leeches (annelid class Hirudinea) are bloodsucking parasites that attach themselves to vertebrate hosts, bite through the skin, and suck out a quantity of blood. On feeding, leeches secrete an anticoagulant (hirudin) that aids in securing a full blood meal.
How long can leeches live without food?
Leeches should be fed about once a month, but can go for up to six months without feeding.
How can we differentiate leech from mushroom on the basis of mode of nutrition explain?
Answer: The mode of nutrition in leech is parasitic nutrition whereas the mode of nutrition in mushroom is saprotrophic nutrition. The mode of nutrition in which parasite obtains food from the host plant is known as parasitic nutrition. The host is harmed whereas the parasite is benefited.
How do leeches benefit the ecosystem?
Leeches and snails play a large roll in the lake ecosystem. They are an important food source for aquatic animals including fish, ducks, crayfish, and turtles. They are predators and eat insect larvae, aquatic worms and snails. The suction cups at the ends of these leeches are used for locomotion on substrates.
How do parasites obtain their food?
The parasite obtains nutrition directly from the body of the host. Since these parasites derive their nourishment from their host, this symbiotic interaction is often harmful to the host. Parasites are dependent on their host for survival since the host provides nutrition and protection.
How does a Leech take care of its young?
In quite a few cases, the parent leech also feeds its young, either directly providing nutrients across the body wall or, more frequently, by capturing and killing prey for the youngsters to feed on until they are big enough to provide for themselves.
How are leeches able to detect their prey?
Leeches can detect their prey with several different sets of sensory structures, some of which can be quite sophisticated. They do have simple eyes, located at the anterior end, but these are incapable of forming an image and are only used to detect changes in light intensity and possibly some movement.
How does a leech move in the water?
Leeches can move by alternately attaching and detaching these suckers, crawling about in a looping inch-worm like motion. Besides crawling about by means of their suckers, many aquatic species can flatten their bodies and swim, resembling eels as they move through the water.
What kind of habitat does a leech live in?
Within these habitats, leeches can be found attached to various substrates including fish and other marine creatures (marine and estuarine), underneath rocks or clinging to vegetation (moist terrestrial), or living on submerged wood, stones, and aquatic vegetation in ponds, streams, and rivers.