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What is the most endangered mammal in Canada?

What is the most endangered mammal in Canada?

Vancouver island marmot
Vancouver island marmot (Marmota vancouverensis) The Vancouver Island marmot is Canada’s most endangered endemic mammal and one of the rarest mammals in the world.

What animals are endangered in Canada 2020?

Endangered birds

  • Ammodramus henslowii — Henslow’s sparrow.
  • Athene cunicularia — burrowing owl.
  • Centrocercus urophasianus urophasianus — greater sage-grouse, urophasianus subspecies.
  • Charadrius melodus circumcinctus — piping plover, circumcinctus subspecies.
  • Charadrius melodus melodus — piping plover, melodus subspecies.

Does Canada have any endangered animals?

As of 2021, 554 animal species are at risk in Canada, according to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. As of 2021, 554 animal species are at risk in Canada, according to the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. In addition, 18 are extirpated and 18 extinct.

What are 5 Canadian endangered species?

Mammals, 22; Birds, 23; Amphibians, 3; Reptiles, 4; Fish, 38, Plants, 29;

Whooping Crane Burrowing Owl Peregrine Falcon
Swift Fox Woodland Caribou White Pelican

What endangered species are in Canada?

Other Endangered Species Of Canada. Also on the list of endangered animals of Canada are the American eel, the Atlantic Bluefin tuna, the Atlantic halibut, the black-footed ferret, the Blanding’s turtle, the blue whale, and the copper redhorse.

How many endangered species are there in Canada?

There are 26 species who are identified as endangered or critically endangered in Canada.

What are the top 5 endangered species?

The world’s most endangered species are North Atlantic Right Whale (325), Indochinese Tiger (350), Black-footed Ferret (370), Amur Tiger (540), Borneo Pygmy Elephant (1,500), Ganges River Dolphin (1,500), Indus River Dolphin (1,816), Galapagos Penguin (2,000), Bengal Tiger (2,500) and Sri Lankan Elephant (3,250).

What animals are near extinct?

7 Animals Saved From Near-Extinction 1. Brown pelican 2. Virginia northern flying squirrel 3. Steller sea lion 4. Aleutian Canada goose 5. Island night lizard 6. Lake Erie water snake 7. Gray wolf