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What is the name of the main artery going through the chest?

What is the name of the main artery going through the chest?

Left and right coronary arteries: The coronary arteries supply blood to the muscles of the heart. Left subclavian artery: This artery supplies blood to the left arm. Thoracic aorta: The thoracic aorta supplies blood to tissues in the chest.

What arteries are in your chest?

The internal thoracic artery, aka the internal mammary artery, supplies the breast and the anterior chest wall. The internal thoracic artery travels along the inner surface of the anterior chest wall on both sides.

Where is the LAD artery?

The left anterior descending artery (LAD) is the largest coronary artery runs anterior to the interventricular septum in the anterior interventricular groove, extending from the base of the heart to the apex.

What is the most important artery?

the aorta
The largest artery is the aorta, the main high-pressure pipeline connected to the heart’s left ventricle. The aorta branches into a network of smaller arteries that extend throughout the body. The arteries’ smaller branches are called arterioles and capillaries.

Where are the blood vessels in the chest located?

Vessels from the descending aorta supply blood to the chest wall, esophagus, and bronchi in the lungs. The same blood vessel has different names in different sections, but it is essentially one large artery that branches to serve the entire lower half of the body.

What are the arteries that supply blood to the lungs?

The torso arteries include: Bronchial. There are typically two bronchial arteries, one on the left and one on the right. They supply blood to the lungs. Esophageal. The esophageal artery provides blood to the esophagus. Pericardial. This artery supplies blood to the pericardium, which is a membrane that surrounds the heart. Intercostal.

Where are the main arteries located in the human body?

The carotid artery is the main artery that pumps blood from the heart to the brain and the rest of the head. One common carotid artery can be located on either side of the neck, and should not be confused with the jugular vein.

What are the arteries below the thoracic artery?

Below the thoracic artery are the intercostal arteries, which supply blood to the ribs, and the celiac artery. The celiac trunk branches to feed blood to the stomach, kidneys, liver, and other organs.