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What is the nature of smallpox?

What is the nature of smallpox?

Before smallpox was eradicated, it was a serious infectious disease caused by the variola virus. It was contagious—meaning, it spread from one person to another. People who had smallpox had a fever and a distinctive, progressive skin rash.

Is smallpox a natural disease?

Smallpox Virus Thanks to the success of vaccination, the last natural outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in 1949. In 1980, the World Health Assembly declared smallpox eradicated (eliminated), and no cases of naturally occurring smallpox have happened since.

What are the natural hosts for smallpox?

Humans are the only natural hosts of Variola; insects and animals can not transmit smallpox. Once the Variola virus is inhaled it lands on and infects the cells that cover the mouth, throat and respiratory tract.

What is the origin of smallpox?

Early Victims. Smallpox is thought to have originated in India or Egypt at least 3,000 years ago. The earliest evidence for the disease comes from the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses V, who died in 1157 B.C. His mummified remains show telltale pockmarks on his skin.

Can smallpox come back?

Smallpox was eradicated (eliminated from the world) in 1980. Since then, there haven’t been any recorded cases of smallpox. Because smallpox no longer occurs naturally, scientists are only concerned that it could reemerge through bioterrorism.

Can you be naturally immune to smallpox?

Just because you were exposed to smallpox does not mean that you were necessarily exposed and infected. The only way that one becomes immune to the disease is by natural disease (development of rash) and by successful vaccination, although the vaccination does not provide life-long immunity.

Is chickenpox a virus?

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It can cause an itchy, blister-like rash.

What animal did chickenpox come from?

The first chickenpox viruses probably emerged 70m years ago, around the time dinosaurs went extinct, and infected our distant ancestors – probably small furry mammals that lived in family groups in trees.

Why does smallpox make bumps?

Smallpox virus tended to attack skin cells, causing the characteristic pimples, or macules, associated with the disease. A rash developed on the skin 24 to 48 hours after lesions on the mucous membranes appeared.

Is smallpox curable?

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the risk of the vaccine’s side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.

Is chicken pox still around?

Chickenpox is still around. Smallpox is pretty much extinct. Until recently, chickenpox was a very common illness, especially in kids. It made about 4 million people sick every year and sent more than 10,000 to the hospital.

Is smallpox vaccine good for life?

Length of Protection Smallpox vaccination provides full immunity for 3 to 5 years and decreasing immunity thereafter. If a person is vaccinated again later, immunity lasts even longer. Historically, the vaccine has been effective in preventing smallpox infection in 95% of those vaccinated.