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What is the nebular hypothesis quizlet?

What is the nebular hypothesis quizlet?

Define the Nebular Hypothesis. Theory that believes that all bodies in our solar system evolved from an enormous rotating cloud called the solar nebula. Explain the Nebular Hypothesis. 1) The solar system begins as a cloud of dust and gas (nebula) 2) Nebula rotates and collapses toward the center of the cloud.

What is the nebular hypothesis of the solar system?

solar nebula, gaseous cloud from which, in the so-called nebular hypothesis of the origin of the solar system, the Sun and planets formed by condensation. Swedish philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg in 1734 proposed that the planets formed out of a nebular crust that had surrounded the Sun and then broken apart.

What is a nebular hypothesis kid definition?

Definition of nebular hypothesis : a hypothesis in astronomy: the solar system has evolved from a hot gaseous nebula.

What are the 4 steps of the nebula hypothesis?

What are the 4 steps of the nebular hypothesis?

  • step one(4) -The solar nebula consisted of. -hydrogen,
  • step two(2) -A disturbance.
  • step three(2) -The solar nebula assumed a flat, disk shape.
  • step four(2) -Inner planets began to form from metallic.
  • step five(2) -Larger outer planets began forming from fragments.

What aspects of the solar system are explained by Laplace’s hypothesis of how the solar system formed?

Laplace theorized that the Sun originally had an extended hot atmosphere throughout the Solar System, and that this “protostar cloud” cooled and contracted. As the cloud spun more rapidly, it threw off material that eventually condensed to form the planets.

What are the hypothesis explaining the origin of the solar system?

Contemporary view. The most widely accepted hypothesis of planetary formation is known as the nebular hypothesis. This hypothesis posits that, 4.6 billion years ago, the Solar System was formed by the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud spanning several light-years.

Which of the following best explain nebular hypothesis?

The nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted model in the field of cosmogony to explain the formation and evolution of the Solar System (as well as other planetary systems). It suggests the Solar System is formed from gas and dust orbiting the Sun.

Which of the hypotheses is the most acceptable regarding the origin of the universe and the solar system Why did you say so?

The most widely accepted hypothesis of planetary formation is known as the nebular hypothesis. This hypothesis posits that, 4.6 billion years ago, the Solar System was formed by the gravitational collapse of a giant molecular cloud spanning several light-years.

What are the three steps to the nebula theory?

-hydrogen, -helium, -and microscopic dust grains.

What is the nebular hypothesis What does it explain how does it relate to our planet describe in detail the nebular hypothesis?

Our solar system formed at the same time as our Sun as described in the nebular hypothesis. The nebular hypothesis is the idea that a spinning cloud of dust made of mostly light elements, called a nebula, flattened into a protoplanetary disk, and became a solar system consisting of a star with orbiting planets [12].

How do you describe the nebula hypothesis?

Nebular Hypothesis Originally there was a large, hot, gaseous nebula which rotated along its axis. As the gas lost energy by radiation, it became cooler. The cooling and contraction of Nebula continued and ultimately a stage came when the centrifugal force became greater than the gravitational attraction acting inward.

How do you explain the nebular theory?

The nebular theory is an explanation for the formation of solar systems. The word “nebula” is Latin for “cloud,” and according to the explanation, stars are born from clouds of interstellar gas and dust. The transition from an undifferentiated cloud to a star system complete with planets and moons takes about 100 million…

What are the steps of the nebular theory?

step one (4) -The solar nebula consisted of. -hydrogen,

  • step two (2) -A disturbance.
  • step three (2) -The solar nebula assumed a flat,disk shape.
  • step four (2) -Inner planets began to form from metallic.
  • step five (2) -Larger outer planets began forming from fragments.
  • What does the nebular model explains?

    The nebular model of the solar system is a comprehensive theory that explains the origin of the solar system basing on the existence of a cloud of gases and dust. The cloud contracted to form a disc-shaped nebular. The nebular then contracted to form small planetisimals. The planetisimals fused to form the planets.