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What is the opening scene of Antigone?

What is the opening scene of Antigone?

Scene One: Antigone tries to convince her sister Ismene to join her in burying their brother Polynices. Ismene refuses, because their uncle Creon has decreed that anyone who does will pay the penalty of death. First Ode: The Chorus of Old Men celebrate Thebes’ victory over Polynices’ army.

What are the major events in Antigone?

Terms in this set (5)

  • Scene 1. Creon summon the old men to speak to him.
  • Scene 2. Creon restates his edict that Polyneices shall not be buried.
  • Scene 3. The guard returns bringing Antigone as his captive.
  • Scene 4. Haemon appears.
  • Scene 5. Antigone is led to a cavern where she will be sealed inside of a tomb.

What has happened just before the opening of Antigone?

what happened right before antigone was detected alongside of the body? the dust storm. creon accuses antigone of exulting in her outrageous deed.

What is the basic exposition of the play Antigone?

The opening exposition between Antigone and her sister Ismene explains that Creon, ruler of Thebes, refuses to give honorable burial to their brother for political reasons.

What happens in Scene Five of Antigone?

The fifth scene of Sophocles’s Antigone introduces Teiresias, the blind seer who has been involved with Antigone’s family for generations. However, Creon ultimately takes Teiresias’ warning to heart, declaring that he will bury Polyneices and free Antigone.

What happens in Scene 3 of Antigone?

The third scene of Sophocles’ Antigone opens with Haimon assuring his father of his loyalty. He demeans his son – almost as harshly as he has demeaned Antigone and women in general – and says Antigone will die immediately. Haimon does not believe Creon and leaves, after telling his father he will never return.

What is the most important scene in Antigone?

The opening scene of the play is of great significance. In it, Antigone discusses the central conflict of the play—her piety and devotion to her brother Polynices against the edict of Creon, king of Thebes and her uncle.

Where does the action of the play Antigone open?

The play opens with Antigone having a conversation with her sister, Ismene, about their uncle, King Creon, who will not allow their brother Polynices to have a proper burial. Antigone is outraged at the injustice and is determined to ensure that her brother is given proper burial rights.

What is the main point of Antigone?

A central theme of Antigone is the tension between individual action and fate. While free choices, such as Antigone’s decision to defy Creon’s edict, are significant, fate is responsible for ma…

What is the theme of Antigone sparknotes?

Antigone in particular manifests her hatred for the ideal of femininity Ismene incarnates in their childhood, brutally binding her sister to a tree to stage her mutilation. Anouilh attributes Antigone’s hate and envy in Ismene’s capacity to figure as an object of desire, as the woman men want.

What happened in Scene 4 of Antigone?

In the fourth scene of Sophocles’s Antigone, we find Antigone on the way to the tomb where she will be shut in alive for attempting to bury her brother. Although this family tragedy is mentioned by the Chorus as a cause for Antigone’s punishment, the Chorus ultimately blames Antigone for bringing about her punishment.

What happens in Scene 2 of Antigone?

In this scene from Sophocles’s Antigone, we discover that Antigone is now Creon’s prisoner. After learning that the sentry has found her trying to bury her brother, Creon condemns her to death. Ismene chides Creon for condemning his son’s fiancée to death.