Table of Contents
What is the operational planning P?
The incident action planning process helps synchronize operations and ensure that they support incident objectives. The Operational Period Planning Cycle (Planning P) is a graphic depiction of this cycle. Personnel develop the IAP using the best information available at the time of the Planning Meeting.
Which phase includes formulating in prioritizing measurable incident objectives in identifying an appropriate strategy?
IAP. 2. Establish Incident Objectives and Strategy: The second phase includes formulating and prioritizing measurable incident objectives and identifying an appropriate strategy. The incident objectives and strategy must conform to the legal obligations and management objectives of all affected agencies.
What is the basis of the planning P Tool?
Management by objectives
Management by objectives (and their sub-parts) is the basis for the Planning P. The Planning P is made up of two separate, but related, parts: (1) the leg, which describes the initial response period, and (2) the circular operational period cycle.
What are the phases of the planning process of ICS?
Establish Incident Objectives and Strategy. Develop the Plan. Prepare and Disseminate the Plan. Execute, Evaluate, and Revise the Plan.
What does planning do in ICS?
The Planning Section simply documents everything that has happened on the incident, and projects and forecasts what will hopefully happen in the future, including the incident goals. The Resources Unit maintains the resource status of every piece of equipment on the incident.
What section compiles the incident action plan?
Preparation. The Planning Section Chief compiles the IAP, with key tactical input from the Operations Section Chief. The Plan is to be completed following each Planning Meeting. The plan should be approved and signed by each member of the Unified Command.
What is tactical and operational planning?
Tactical planning is short range planning emphasizing the current operations of various parts of the organization. Those mishaps, in conjunction to their potential consequences are called “tactical risks”. Operational planning is the process of linking strategic goals and objectives to tactical goals and objectives.
Which is the P phase of the planning process?
Within the Planning “P”, this phase of the planning process is the lower right corner and bottom half, which now completes the Planning “P” and the operational period in which it was used. During all stages of incident management, planners should gather, assess, and disseminate information
What is the third phase of emergency management?
The third phase involves determining the tactical direction and the specific resources, reserves, and support requirements for implementing the selected strategies and tactics for the operational period (ICS-215, ICS-215A, ICS-202, ICS-203, ICS-204, ICS-205, ICS-206).
What is the purpose of the planning process?
The planning process represents a template for strategic, operational, and tactical planning that includes all steps that an Incident Command/Unified Command (IC/UC) and other members of the Command and General Staff should take to develop and disseminate an IAP. The planning process may begin with the:
What is the ics-215 operational planning Worksheet used for?
The ICS-215 Operational Planning Worksheet is used to: Determine geographic (Division) or functional (Group) assignments Establish the specific work assignments (Tactics) to be performed during the next operational period Determine the resources needed to accomplish the work assignments