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What is the original color of stars?
Temperature – cooler stars are red, warmer ones are orange through yellow and white. The hottest stars shine with blue light. Age – As a star ages it produces different chemicals which burn at different temperatures.
What is the color of the hottest star?
Blue stars
White stars are hotter than red and yellow. Blue stars are the hottest stars of all.
What color is a protostar?
A protostar with less than 0.08 solar masses never reaches the 10 million K temperature needed for efficient hydrogen fusion. These result in “failed stars” called brown dwarfs which radiate mainly in the infrared and look deep red in color.
What star is the dimmest?
Quick Answer: The dimmest stars are called brown dwarfs, and they are orange or red when they are the hottest, and acquire a magenta color as they cool. Brown dwarfs are proof that star formation does not always result in a traditional star. But this is not to be confused with planets being too small to become stars.
Which Colour is brightest?
By another definition pure yellow is the brightest, in that it most closely resembles white. Blue is perceived as closest to black. This illustrates how there can be several definitions of perceived brightness.
Which star in Orion is Betelgeuse?
Red Betelgeuse, also known as Alpha Orionis, is the 10th-brightest star in the night sky and 2nd-brightest in the constellation of Orion.
What are the colors of the hottest stars?
The hottest stars tend to appear blue or blue-white, whereas the coolest stars are red. A color index of a star is the difference in the magnitudes measured at any two wavelengths and is one way that astronomers measure and express the temperature of stars.
Which is the brightest star in the night sky?
First-magnitude stars are the brightest stars in the night sky, with apparent magnitudes lower than +1.50. Hipparchus, in the 1st century B.C., introduced the magnitude scale. He allocated first magnitude to the 20 brightest stars and the sixth magnitude to the faintest stars visible to the naked eye.
Why are the colors of the stars different?
Stars have different colors, which are indicators of temperature. The hottest stars tend to appear blue or blue-white, whereas the coolest stars are red. A color index of a star is the difference in the magnitudes measured at any two wavelengths and is one way that astronomers measure and express the temperature of stars.
What does the color index of a star mean?
A color index of a star is the difference in the magnitudes measured at any two wavelengths and is one way that astronomers measure and express the temperature of stars. color index: difference between the magnitudes of a star or other object measured in light of two different spectral regions—for example, blue minus visual (B–V) magnitudes