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What is the percentile rank in Sea?

What is the percentile rank in Sea?

The Percentile Rank describes on a scale of 1 to 99, a student’s relative standing in relation to the student population sitting the SEA. It gives an idea of approximately how many students scored the same or lower than the student’s composite standard score.

What is the oldest secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago?

Queen’s Royal College
Queen’s Royal College is the oldest secondary school in Trinidad and Tobago.

How many high schools are in Trinidad?

Government-assisted schools are public schools operated and partly financed by the state but owned and managed by private bodies, usually religious organizations of various denominations. The Trinidad and Tobago education system also has 63 private primary schools and 66 private secondary schools.

What is Stanine scale?

Stanine(STAndard NINE) is a method of scaling test scores on a nine-point standard scale with a mean of five (5) and a standard deviation of two (2). Test scores are scaled to stanine scores using the following algorithm: Rank results from lowest to highest.

How useful percentile rank is to you as a student?

Test percentile scores are important for making decisions about your child’s education, especially when considering a special education program. Understanding these scores can help you gain a clearer picture of your child’s abilities and help you spot areas where they may need extra assistance.

Is Sea a Caribbean exam?

The Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) is a government exam sat by children aged 11 to 13 of Trinidad and Tobago as part of the admissions process for all public secondary schools. The SEA was introduced in 2001, to replace the older Common Entrance exam.

How do you get stanine?

The first 4% of ranked scores (raw scores 351-354) will be given a stanine score of 1. The next 7% of ranked scores (raw scores 356-365) will be given a stanine score of 2. The next 12% of ranked scores (raw scores 366-384) will be given a stanine score of 3.

How do you read stanine?

A stanine score ranges from a low of 1 to a high of 9; therefore, the name “stanine.” For instance, a stanine score of 1, 2, or 3 is below average; 4, 5, or 6 is average; and 7, 8, or 9 is above average. The stanine score shows the general level of achievement of a child—below average, average, or above average.