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What is the person at the back of a rowing boat called?

What is the person at the back of a rowing boat called?

Most coaches cannot communicate to boat/coxswain, so the coxswain is the “coach” in the boat. A coxswain is necessary in the first place because the rowers sit with their backs to the direction of travel. In most racing, coxswains may be of any gender regardless of the gender of the rowers.

What are the positions on a rowing team?


  • Rowers. 1.1 Stern pair. 1.2 Middle crew. 1.3 Bow pair.
  • Steering.
  • Boat rigging.
  • Coxswain (cox)

What’s a coxswain in rowing?

The coxswain is each boat’s conduit between the rowers and the officials on the course. Before the regatta, there is a meeting between the officials, coxswains, and coaches. Once it’s time to race, each coxswain is responsible for making sure her team is ready and her boat is lined up for the start.

What is a rowing crew member called?

The coxswain (or simply the cox) is the member who sits in the boat facing the bow, steers the boat, and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers – by communicating to the crew through a device called a cox box and speakers.

What is a rowing crew called?

Crew – American term for the sport of competitive rowing. Also used to refer to a particular rowing team. The term crew is used in American schools and colleges to designate the sport of rowing, such as Osprey Oars’ Crew. Traditionally, crew means a team of rowers. To say crew team is redundant.

What is a Coxmen?

1 : a sailor who has charge of a ship’s boat and its crew and who usually steers. 2 : a steersman of a racing shell who usually directs the rowers. coxswain. verb.

What does the cox say?

Seat No. 9 keeps the rowers in line. In Olympic rowing, two people make a “pair” and four make a “four” but eight won’t do for an “eight.”

What is another name for coxswain?

What is another word for coxswain?

pilot navigate
sail regulate
rule superintend
aviate oversee
handle command

Why is a coxswain called a coxswain?

In 1724, a “cockswain” was defined as “An officer of a ship who takes care of the cockboat, barge or shallop, with all its furniture, and is in readiness with his crew to man the boat on all occasions.” When the term “cockboat” became obsolete, the title of coxswain as the person in charge of a ship’s boat remained.

What do you call a rower who can row both sides of a boat?

(US) A rower who can row both on the starboard and port sides of the boat. In the US this is also known as bisweptual. The rower closest to the front or bow of a multi-person shell.

Where does the rowing term rigging come from?

Rigging is how the boat is outfitted, including all of the apparatuses (oars, outriggers, oarlocks, sliding seats, etcetera) attached to a boat that allow the rower to propel the boat through the water. The term comes from an old Old English wrigan or wrihan, which means “to clothe.”

Who are the strongest rowers in a rowing boat?

In an 8-person shell, these are generally seats 6, 5, 4 and 3. They are generally the biggest and strongest rowers, who provide most of the power to the boat. Also called Power House. A rower known more for their powerful pulling rather than technical rowing proficiency. A rower who weighs more than the limit for lightweight rowing.

What is the role of a coxswain in a rowing crew?

The role of a coxswain in a crew is to: Keep the boat and rowers safe at all times by properly steering the boat (according to the river or regatta rules and safety for the crew) Be in command of the boat at all times Coach the crew when the coach is not present Provide motivation and encouragement to the crew