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What is the plate freezer?

What is the plate freezer?

Plate freezers are used to freeze flat products, such as pastries, fish fillets, and beef patties, as well as irregular-shaped vegetables that are packaged in brick-shaped containers, such as asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, and broccoli. Plate freezers are commonly used for freezing brick-shaped packaged products.

What is contact plate freezing?

FREEZING FORM It is the method which can load food in the metal mold, with the top and bottom metal plate which use as a evaporator clamping upon it and passes over the refrigeration working substance directly to transmit cold to product.

What are freezing methods?

Freezing, in food processing, method of preserving food by lowering the temperature to inhibit microorganism growth. The method has been used for centuries in cold regions, and a patent was issued in Britain as early as 1842 for freezing food by immersion in an ice and salt brine.

What is a cold plate freezer?

A cold plate (also called a holdover plate) is a large tank inside your refrigerator or freezer box filled with a solution that freezes and melts out at a temperature lower than water (20 degrees for a refrigerator, -10 degrees for a freezer). The energy stored in cold plates then provides cooling for 24 hours or more.

What is a plate freezer used for?

Plate freezers are used to quickly freeze and store flat seafood products, such as fish fillets. They’re called plate freezers since they consist of several plates, stacked either horizontally or vertically.

How does a cold plate freezer work?

How do cold plates work? Cold plate cabinets are built with condensing units and evaporator coils. When the cabinet is plugged in, the condensing unit sends refrigerant through the walls by way of the copper evaporator coils and it freezes the walls. The cold plates have refrigerant lines inside that freeze the plates.

What is plate contact systems?

It is an indirect freezing system in which the food product does not have any direct contact with the medium used for the product temperature. The basic system of plate freezers consists of flat hollow plates, refrigeration coil these plates to cool the surface in contact with the food products.

How do cold plate freezers work?

How cold does a cold plate get?

Both the cold plate cooler and coil cooler are used in a party and/or special event environment to quickly chill warm beer to the ideal dispense temperature of 36-38° F.